Dear Little Brother...

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(Y/N)'s POV

You hear a voice...

oh no, not this again.

"I'm sorry, Okay? If I could go back I would've protected you. I was scared! Please leave me alone!" You yelled into the darkness.

"Once you join me, I'll stop." the voice teased, "Do you remember that delicious chocolate ice cream that was poisoned? Do you remember that man, in that room? Do you remember the weapons and torture devices? Do you remember the other men? Do you remember the screams I screamed? Do you remember how my lifeless eyes looked like, while my decapitated head rolled on the ground? Or do I have to show it to you? " your little brother said as he got angrier by each question.

" I remember...I remember it all..." you muttered.

He didn't listen, the voice faded away and you started to see some recognizable faces going into an ice cream parlor... no, that was you and your little Ototo, going into an ice cream parlor.

As you cried and watched the scene play out, you keep thinking of his lifeless eyes. You bought chocolate ice cream, you and him ate it. You two were drugged. You both were taken to a room. A gang. You looked around the room, everything was exactly as it was that day. 

"No! I remember! I don't need you to remind me!!!" you screamed.

You could hear the voice sadistically laugh, just to torture you.

There were chainsaws, knives, guns,  ammo,  pellets, and all other types of weapons on the walls. There were stains of blood on the wall. It was a poorly lit room, with only two lights and no windows.

You saw your past self, tied up against you little brother. Little you was scared, taking in every detail about the room and the men standing in the corner laughing psychotically. The man who drugged you took you brother and started beating him. As your child-self screamed and cried her heart out wanting them to stop. Then you heard a man say, "Just kill the boy, and stop playing around, her screaming's annoying."

"No!" you screamed, not wanting to see the sight again. 

"Sure thing" the man torturing your brother replied.

Then he took out a knife, pressed it against his neck. Then the next thing you could see was You little brother's limp body and his detached head laying on the ground, holding his now lifeless marble-like eyes.

You cried and cried. Begging for it to stop.

Then you felt someone moving you. 

You opened your eyes, snapping out of the nightmare, seeing Karma's warm face and worried and panicked eyes over you.

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