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            What do you get when you pair up an irresponsible ‘Santa Clause’ and an exasperated girl from the Christmas frenzied town, Tinseltown?

            It seemed like a reasonable question to ask myself this, considering the fact that it seems like I’ll be spending a lot of time with Clyde.

            I must’ve slept thinking that because the moment I wake up, it’s already on my mind.

            I slowly stir awake, the greyish hue of light slanting through the curtains.

            Snow continues to drift down slowly from the sky, freezing the window-pane into an opaque surface of ice.

            Sitting up, groggy and thirsty, I look around the tangled sheets, wondering how I even got here.

            The bed was massively big, expanding for what seemed like ages as I climb over to the edge and peer down at the ground.

            Sprawled out with one hand thrown over his eyes, Clyde sleeps on a makeshift bed on the floor.

            I hear him snore and I smile softly to myself.

            Lifting the covers off myself, the cold air quickly sends a shiver down my spine. Looking over to the edge where the pillows were, I see red fabric. Picking it up, I realize that it’s Clyde’s red hoodie.

            Glancing at Clyde he doesn’t look cold in just his short sleeve shirt and sweats. Shoving the last of my nagging thoughts, I shrug on his jacket, immediately engulphed in cotton warmth and the smell of-

            Well I don’t know- cinnamon sugar, cocoa, pine and something else.

            Gently placing my foot on the ground, I quietly step over Clyde, tediously ignoring the way his skin stretched over his bicep with his arm thrown over his eyes.

            Tiptoeing through the room, my feet freezing, I make my way over to the big glass windows.

            Pressing my hands onto the glass, I peer through the glass, seeing nothing but evergreens and white snow.

            Climbing onto the little ledge for leverage, I reach up and gently tug on the lock to push open the windows.

            There is a little ledge right above the window, collecting most of the snow drifting straight down.

            Resting on my hands, I lean forward, the small particles of snow instantly lodging into my hair and coalescing into my skin.

            The cold was sharp and brisk, but there was something refreshing about the feel of it nipping my exposed skin.

            Snow is dusted over the ever greens, making everything feel like a true, white Christmas.

            It was magical, almost.

            “Boo,” I hear someone whisper by my ear as he pushes me forward.

            I shriek, feeling my center of weight shift forward, straight down onto the ground-except, I don’t really fall.

            Clyde grips the top of my arms, laughing as he pulls me back into the room.

            Furious, I spin around and smack his arm. “That isn’t funny!”

The Santa Clause Act (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now