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A/N- This is for later on but bold and italisized will be Clyde's thoughts and just italisized will be Noel's :) You'll get it as you read on...

     “Noel Yule, correct?” a woman with grey hair and white streaks asks me, peering up from her files.

            I fidget uncomfortably, clearing my throat to speak. “Yes ma’am”

            Glancing around at the panel of six people forming a half circle in front of me, I try to not be intimidated. It’s kinda hard though considering that the panel is built tall- I have to look up at them and speak.

            I feel Clyde squeeze my hand and I glance at him through the corner of my eye, relaxing my shoulders a bit.

            We are both standing in the center of the room, the panel of six people watching us in their scrutiny.

            I don’t think I even fully registered what I was expecting sure, I got the hint that something important was in this room but never did I think that I would stand in front of the counsel- in essence the executive heads of Christmas.

            Judging from their solemn looks and intimidating presence, they were pretty important.

            “Have you been enjoying your stay here Ms. Yule?” the woman continues to press on. I guess she was the elected spokeswoman.

            I glance surreptitiously at the rest of the stoic face beside her, gulping hard. “Just Noel is fine,” I murmur quietly. “But uh yes, I have.”

            She narrows her eyes at me slightly before scribbling something onto a sheet of paper.

            For a few seconds, all I can hear is the scribble of paper and silence.

            I feel like I am standing in court for the trial of my crime.

            I wonder if they have the same ‘powers’ as Clyde.

            No, I think to myself. I bet Clyde’s just special and even the powerful ‘counsel’ can’t do what he can do, I dismiss quickly from my thoughts.

            Is this how much you adore me?I hear an amused voice say…in my head.

            I nearly choke in surprise, lurching forward slightly. The counsel woman glances up from her writing to look at me before returning her gaze to her writing.

            Aside from Clyde, nobody seems to notice the exchange.

            Turning to look at Clyde, he looks straightforward, a small twinge of a smirk on his lips.

            “What the heck?” I whisper.

            Clyde still doesn’t turn to look at me, his face just as stoic as the counsel above us.

            Shhh, they’ll hear you. They maybe really old but they can still hear you.

            Bewildered, I stare at Clyde. Yup, he’s definitely smug.

            Turn around, he reminds me.

            I’ve always read stories about werewolves being able to communicate through mind link, but right now, I don’t even think I can comprehend how he’s even talking to me…in my brain.

The Santa Clause Act (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now