Extra Chapter 1

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Extra Chapter

            The moment I am directed to a chair in front of the chair, I’m about ready to collapse.

            People packed the stadium, circling us in an intimidating roar of people.

            It was College graduation day.

            I look over to where my mom is seated-far away but still visible.

            The seat is still empty beside her.

            Clutching two necklaces on my neck, one from Clyde and one from my father, I force myself to look away from the vacant spot reserved for Clyde.

            He’s busy, I remind myself, probably way to busy to entertain a stupid graduation.

            I take a deep breath, in and out.

            Even when the college band plays, marching through the field and prancing around like reindeers, the spot still remains empty, the minutes ticking by.

            And then, the first name is called.

            My last name is towards the end so while everyone is getting called, I clap with my eyes glued to the empty spot.

            When they hit the L’s, I look away from the empty spot, deciding to not look there anymore.

            One major difference from four years ago was one, I Clyde and I were both older and busier and two, my mom knew about us.

            I’ll never really forget about the day I told her about Clyde.

            She thought I belonged in the looney bin but after Clyde showed some of his voodoo Christmas magic, she believed us-nearly fainted-but still believed us.

            I stare at my lap, literally sweating buckets.

            Even though I sparsely saw Clyde, I still loved him with all my heart. His ebony black hair and bright eyes always making my heart skip.

            It was long distance time one billion but we were willing to make it all work.

            Not many people were lucky enough to stick with their first love but somewhere in between the unconventional act of the next Santa Clause running me over and Christmas chaos, we fell in love and in Clyde’s words: it was going to take more than just a few worldly bumps to break us apart.

            I smile softly to myself thinking back to when he said that, the excitement settling back in my stomach.

            After this, it was going to be official; i was going to go to the North Pole.

            Even though my mom wanted to stay here, in the home filled with memories of my dad, there was the mutual agreement that I would always come back to visit.

            “Ginger Nan,” the voice calls. I watch as she gets up from her seat about ten spaces down, her shinning blue cap and gown similar to all of ours.

            Don’t look, don’t look, I chant to myself, nervously twiddling with the small pendant on my necklace from Clyde.

            Absent mindingly I think back to the letter my dad had written me years ago, back when he was sick and knew he was dying.

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