Fight for her

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"Hello...? Ah yes.. Mhm... WHAT REALLY?!?" The person on the phone got scared and dropped the phone when the voice yelled loudly. "Y-Yes..!" They responded picking it up. Dark Blitz sighed. "That's good to hear.. Thanks for telling me." She hung up and sighed, slumping down onto the couch. "Hhn thank gods she's okay.." Then suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Shadow went over to answer it, but his hand only fazed through the door. Disappointed, he called out to Dark Blitz to open the door. "DARK BLITZ!!!"

She sighed and opened the door. Right in the doorway was Crystal Rose standing there with a slight smile. Dark Blitz rolled her eyes and was about to close the door until Crystal Rose stopped her. "Hey there!" She said, opening the door. "It's rude to close the door in someone's face you know." Dark Blitz left back into the house. Shadow looked at Crystal Rose. "Sorry, she's been a bit upset lately for.. Reasons." He smiled politely. "Understandable." Crystal Rose said, adjusting her sleeve. Shadow raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you with something..?" "Ah yes." She smiles. "I wanted to challenge Dark Blitz to a battle. To see which one of us is stronger."

Shadow looked back at Dark Blitz who was sitting on the couch with black scars under her eyes. It was a bit unusual. "Like I said.. She's very upset right now, so I don't think she's in the mood-" He was interrupted by Dark Blitz coming up behind him as she banged her fist against the wall. "... What.. Was your request..?" "I said.. I wanted to challenge you to a fight. To see which one of us is stronger." "What's so important about seeing who's stronger-" "What if I don't fight with you..?" Dark Blitz interrupted. "... Then that means you don't love Melody." "What...?" Dark Blitz's face turned red. "Dark Blitz.." Crystal Rose stroked her fingers through Dark Blitz's hair. "The both of us know you love Melody and so do I... Well.. Your never gonna get her to love you. She doesn't pay attention to you anyways and how you've been acting isn't gonna make the situation better.. So prove to me how much you love her by fighting me. Let's see who Melody REALLY deserves.."

Dark Blitz slapped Crystal Rose's hand out of her hair and looked away blushing with tears in her eyes. Shadow looked at her. "Dark Blitz, you don't have to do this. Your stronger than what Crystal Rose thinks you are. Don't listen to a girl who is a waste of your-" Dark Blitz held out a hand to Crystal Rose. "FINE." She said. Crystal Rose took Dark Blitz hand and shook it. The grip was tight and aggressive. "Okay.. Meet me at 5:00 PM at the rocky grounds.." Crystal Rose said. She turned around and waved a hand as she left. Dark Blitz slammed the door and went back into her room. "Dark Blitz.." Shadow said quietly.

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