Zero arrives

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   It was a week later, the grass was glowing in the sun, and trees swayed in the light breeze that whisked by. Luna and Alex were laying in the grass relaxing in the warmth of outside. Today was a really beautiful day. That was, until..

     Luna was staring up at the vast blue sky. It started to get dark a moment later, and Luna felt like something wasn't quite right. Alex was on his back, feeling calm in the soft grass. He had happened to be reading a book.

   Suddenly, the ground shook and birds flew out of their nests built in the tall trees. The short boy with rabbit ears looks up from his book and sits up, looking around worriedly. "What was that?"

Luna stands up, clutching her chest tightly. "I'm not so sure," She picks up Alex gently from the ground and places him down to his feet. "Go get Cloud and the others, quick..!" Alex nods in understanding and rushes into the house. "LUNA!!!" A voice calls out. There came running Skye, with Frost Heart, Dark Blitz, Viola, Ember, Raven, and Rocky following behind him. Luna turns around and faces them, Skye panting.

       "There's someone at the rocky grounds," Skye started to explain, catching his breath through words. "We need to get there now!!" "So that's why the ground shook and skies are turning dark?" Alex questions, walking over with his teammates following behind him.

     "Yes! Let's go there now!!" Skye starts to fly back towards the rocky grounds, with everyone else following behind him. Soon enough they arrived at the rocky grounds, a figure stood there with their hood up. Luna recognized them, it was none other than Zero..

   "H-hey! I remember him..!" Luna says. "He was the guy that smelled like taffy!" Alex added. "Ew, taffy..?" Cloud made a disgusted face. "Yeah!!" Skye taps his chin "Hm.. I remember running alongside him across the roof," "Really?!?" Zero hears them and turns around, his hood covering his face. "I think he heard us." Liif said. "Obviously I'm not deaf.." Zero says coldly under his breath. Liif shrinks into her jacket.

   Skye takes a step forward, a serious glance appeared across his face. "I don't know who you are, and why your here.. But I suggest you leave right now!" "Oh..?" 

       "Yeah, we don't need someone like you going around and hurting other elements." Cloud says crossing his arms sternly. "So go back to where you came from and leave everyone be." Dark Blitz adds. "Hmm.. I don't think I'm gonna do that.. In fact, you should be the ones getting lost. So.. Either you back off.." Zero smiles with an evil toothy grin. "Or I'll wipe you all out."

"We're not dinosaurs," Alex says flatly. "That was good, bunny." Dusk says. The two of them chuckle "Thanks." Zero takes out his tentacles and wraps them around Alex, lunging him against a tree. "Anyone else want a piece of this?!?" Ember growls. "Oh that's it," and runs straight towards him with her flaming sword in her hands.

   Alex spits out a tooth and gets up dizzily. "I'm okay.." Alex says. "You just spat out a tooth," Liif counters. "Nah really I'm good." He brushes her help away. The elements tried to fight off this mysterious being, but he was too strong. Every attack they brought up was either meaningless or avoided. Even Liam and Rai attempted to attack Zero together, but they were no match to a powerful being.

   Zero disappears and then reappears in a different spot. Frost Heart appears behind Zero and was about to attack until he shoots flames at her. Before they could hit, Liam quickly ices the flame out and shoots icicles at him. Skye runs up to Zero with his angel sword to attack, but Zero stops him right away, holding the blade between his fingers. "Haha.." He flings Skye and his sword, but Cloud catches Skye bridal style and places him down. He gives him a little pat before going back to fight. 

   Luna was staring up at the moon, thinking of what to do. Dark Blitz attacks with a ball of shadows but Zero dodges it. "Man, this guy is tough!" Dusk sighs. He shoots out toxins at Zero, but Zero just reflected the toxins back at Dusk. Luckily the wolf boy is immune to poison.
"He must be seriously experienced or something!" Rai says. Luna flies up in the air and starts to absorb the moonlight. "Aw snap!" Viola shouts.Everyone watches while Alex time freezes Zero.
   Luna's eyes turned white and she shoots the moonlight beam at him, making an explosion of light. Everyone shields their eyes from the blinding beam of moonlight. Awhile after, the light fades away, and Luna's eyes turned back to normal. She was still high up in the air, looking down at everyone. "... THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!" Rocky and Viola shout. Luna blushed and scratched the back of her neck. "Damn..!" Gabriella says. 

   Zero gets unfrozen and was about to attack Alex again until Luna shoots shooting stars at Zero. "BACK OFF!!!!" She yells. Zero growls and flies up to where Luna was. Gabriella follows Zero, flying up and tackling him. He waves his hand over Gab's face, causing her to fall asleep and throws her back down. Frost Heart quickly flew up and caught Gabriella in her arms and went right back down to the ground.

   Zero wraps his tentacles around Luna and looks her directly in the face. "What element are you?!?" He shouts. Luna looks at Zero like he's insane. "What am I..? WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?!??!!!" "EVERYTHING!" 

Alex was puzzled about how Zero is supposed to be every element and why he has no idea what Luna's element is. "AND WHAT ELEMENT IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE?!?" Zero points at Alex. Luna, still wrapped in his tentacles glares at Zero. "We are elements that you don't need to know -_-" Alex makes two time pockets. One next to himself and another next to Zero. Liif hands him a big stick and he whacks Zero with the stick. "OW!" Zero yells, letting go of Luna. Luna kicks Zero in his private area. Zero falls in pain and Alex catches him. 

    Luna looks down at Zero with a naughty look on her face. The guy quickly gets out of Alex's arms and looks up at Luna with a grumpy expression. "Wait but how are you all elements??" Alex asks. "That's nothing for you to know.." Zero growls. He felt Luna shoot stars at him again. "WILL YOU QUIT THAT?!?!" He snaps. 

   ".. You know what..? Your lucky I have no idea what the heck the bunny and the cat are.. But I promise you I will be back. And you will pay.." He disappears. Cloud tilts his head to the side "... Huh." 

Luna flies back down and sighs. Suddenly, Rocky lifts her up over his head and cheers "LUNA YOU KICKED THE GUY IN THE BALLS! I'M SO PROUD!!" "R-Rocky!! >_<||" Luna blushes in embarrassment. "You did great." Cloud gives Luna a thumbs up. Luna puts a thumbs up sign back and smiles. "Thanks.." "Hopefully he doesn't come back and cause trouble again..!" Rocky says, placing Luna down. "Yeah,"

"I wonder how he has all of the elements though, like what's up with that..?" 

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