Chapter 2

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Chapter 2



"Hey guys! I think I have some people you would like to meet!" They turned around but I only noticed one person with the electric blue eyes, "Jason?"


His eyes widened and we just stood there. I snapped out of my trance and ran to him. he wrapped his arms around my waist as I hugged him. "I missed you." He whispered in my ear, "I missed you, too." I pulled away and smiled at him. It was then ruined, of course, by Jerome, "Jason be getting some!" We all laughed but he walked over to him and flicked him on the head. "Hey guys." They all turned and looked at me, "Deja-vu am I right?" We then remembered the time Jason had flicked Ty on the head but this time it was Jerome. "I can still feel the pain." Ty said, glaring at Jason. We laughed and then decided we should all go catch up. Well, we actually decided to play laser tag. How awesome is this mall that it has a laser tag in it?! When we got there, we split up the teams. On one was me, Adam, Mitch, and Ty. The other was Taylor, Jerome, Ian, and Jason. Quentin would have been here but he was visiting his girlfriend, Annie. We were the red team while others were blue. We geared up and entered the huge indoor arena. We decided to make up a plan and split into groups. On one was me and Mitch while the other was Adam and Ty. [#Skylox c;] As soon as the bell rang signaling the start, we went our separate ways. Mitch and I ran behind a pillar. I heard someone whispering what sounded like action music. Jason. I sneaked around all stealth like until his back was facing me. I aimed my gun and shot him straight in the back. I ran away laughing. "Julia!" I guess he had figured out who it was. I stopped to take a rest until my vest lit up. We had six lives each. Well, five for me. The person ran away but not before I saw the back of their hat. "Dammit Jerome." I whispered under my breath. I continued to run around, hiding behind objects and walls, but I hadn't run into a single person. That is, until now. I saw out of the corner of my eye someone dash behind a barrel to my right. I walked along pretending like I didn't see them. They stood up and aimed, but I had the upper hand. I spun around and shot them in the chest. Turns out it was Taylor. She glared at me while I laughed and skipped away.

//Time Skip brought to you by the number Z//

It was just Jason and I left. My team had been gone for a while, same with Jason's. I walked around until I saw a hidden ladder. I grinned and looked up spotting a net above the arena that is quite hard to see. I swung my gun on my shoulder and climbed up. I got up to the net and sat on it. "Wow.." I whispered. You could see the whole arena. I pulled my gun back out and looked around. He was nowhere near either of our bases so that leaves.. of course he is. He was hiding by the cool neon lights in the middle of the arena. I chuckled before aiming my gun at him. I took a deep breath and pressed the trigger. Bells went off signaling the end of the match. I hopped back down the ladder and ran over to him. He had the best expressions on his face, defeat and surprise. "But-how-I-what?" he said. I laughed and grabbed his hand pulling him outside to the others. They were all laughing too hard to notice our return. It took a couple minutes, but we got settled. I grabbed Jason's hand as we walked around the mall a little more. "So Jason?" Adam asked. He pouted, "What?" "How does it feel to be beat by not only a girl but your own girlfriend?" He started laughing again. "Hey! It was a lucky shot!" Jason retorted. "Sureee Jason." He responded, going back to hang out with Taylor. Seems like they're still together. "Hey Julia?" "Yep?" I looked up at him. "Are you going to PAX?" I nodded, "Im going with Taylor." "How would you feel if I offered that you two could stay at the TC house? It's a little closer to PAX and you wouldn't have to pay for a hotel." I stared at him, wide-eyed. "Are you serious?!" He shook his head. I jumped on him while hugging him, "Thank you so much!" He chuckled, "What are boyfriends for." I pulled back smiling. He leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he put his on my waist. We were interrupted by Ty walking right next to us and yelling, "No PDA!" we pulled apart and Jason smacked Ty on the back of the head. We all laughed. Turns out that us meeting up again is going amazingly. Or so I thought.


"Are we ready yet, sir?" My companion asked me. I raised my hand. "Not yet. We shall be soon." We continued walking down the hallway leading to my meeting room. We walked in to be greeted by my twelve head council members. "What's new sir? Any plans?" I walked over and sat in the chair at the end of the table. "Yes, I have a plan. You shall all be packed and ready to leave in a week." I smirked. "What for?" "We are going to kidnap her most prized possession." They looked puzzled. "That is?" I stood up. "Find me a map. We have a boyfriend to find."

----Author's Note----

Sorry it took so long! I had it written a while ago but wattpad deleted most of it -_- then I had no inspiration... until now. Hehe be prepared for the next chapter! I can't say when it will be out though :c See you next time!

-Julia :P

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