Chapter 3

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<Jason's PoV>

"Tyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Adam groaned, leaning on the couch at an awkward angle. No idea how, but he was. We were currently chilling at Mitch's house with the girls and Adam was annoying the hell out of Ty. He had already thrown multiple pillows at him, tackled him as soon as we walked in the house, and now he was throwing his popcorn into Ty's hair and face. Julia was chuckling next to me at the sight, finding it slightly amusing. Ty, on the other hand, was not. He looked like he was about to punch something or tackle Adam. "What?" He responded to Adam, a little harshly. "Geez chill, I'm just messing around." Ty scoffed before rolling his eyes{wow sassy Ty is sassy xP}. "But seriously, I'm bored." Adam added. "And I'm supposed to help how?" Adam whined, rolling slightly on the couch. "I don't know, be entertaining! Be less of a Bo- OOF!-" Adam was cut off by him rolling off of the couch onto the floor. We all busted out laughing, Julia almost falling off of the couch in the process and joining Adam on the floor. He sat back up and pouted like a five year old, crossing his arms, "It wasn't funny." "Yeah, it wasn't. It was hilarious!" Mitch responded, walking back into the room from the kitchen, some chips in his hand. "You weren't even in the room to see it! you have no say here, Mitchell." Adam said, looking up at him from his spot on the floor. Many 'ooo's were said since Adam used his full name. "Fine then, no foodsidoodles for you!" he went to sit on the couch when his chips where snatched from his grip out of nowhere. "What?!" He looked around, dazed and confused before his sight landed on Jerome in the corner, munching on the bags of chip. "Could you not wait, Jerome?" He chuckled softly at his comment, watching Jerome look up from the chips with an innocent face. I was holding back my laughter since he had potato chip crumbs all over his mouth and hands. "They were calling my name, biggums, I couldn't help it." I looked at Mitch you just had this look that said 'seriously? my chips tho'. He sighed before taking the chips away from Jerome and walking to the kitchen, coming back out with a second bag of chips. He tossed them at Jerome which then nailed him in the face. Everyone chuckled and laughed, even Jerome. Wow, we are a messed up bunch. But we're like family.

//time skip brought to you by hussie//

<Julia's PoV>

It's been four weeks since we met up with the guys and now we were currently boarding a plane to go to PAX. Well, actually to their house in L.A. I was so excited! We were getting into our seats, me sitting in between Ty and Jason, when a girl about 15 walked up to us. And by us, I mean Jason. "Omg, you're MinecraftUniverse! You're so hot. Even more hot in person." she ended it with a wink that made me want to puke. I looked at Jason to see that he looked so awkward. It was almost funny. "Uh, hey. It's always nice to meet a star! But if you don't mind, I'd rather be left alone right now." He reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. The girl acted as if she had just noticed me and gave me a look of pure hatred. "Who is she?" She said, hatred dripping off of every word with emphasis on 'she'. He squeezed my hand lightly before responding, "Her name is Julia. And she is my girlfriend. If you don't like her, then you can go away. I don't need people hating on my love life. And just so you're wondering, I don't find you the least bit attractive. So don't try." I snickered slightly and smiled, giving her a look like 'back off, brat' which made her eyes widen slightly before she scoffed, flipping her hair and walking away to her seat. He smiled, feeling accomplished, and turned to look at me. "Why are you smiling and snickering?" "Ok, one, it was hilarious the way she reacted, and two, I'm thankful that you stood up for me." He smiled and pecked my cheek, making me blush lightly. "Please fasten your seat-belts, we are now departing. Thank you." We heard over the speakers. We buckled up, before we sped down the runway, flying up into the air. "I'm gonna go to sleep, okay?" He nodded as a response. I shifted, laying my head on his shoulder before drifting off to sleep. I had totally forgotten about his fans. How will they react? Will they hurt me? Many questions were rushing through my head but I just ignored them, falling into a deep sleep. Guess we'll find out in a few hours.

<Author's Note>

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for the past few weeks, but its been kinda busy with school and such. I also got a little down, but reading comments all over again on the last book boosted my spirits! By the way, you should all listen to this song called Counting Stars by One Republic. Its a good song. I love you all and I'll try to get the next chapter out whenever I can!

-Julia <3

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