Basic words

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おはよう- ohayou- good morning

こんにちは-konnichiha-good afternoon

こんばんは- konbanha- good evening

(For both of these, the ha is pronounced wa)

おやすみ- oyasumi- good night

はじめまして- hajimemashite- nice to meet you

わたし/あたし/ぼく- watashi/atashi/boku- I (formal)/I (female)/I (male)

Sometimes this is also used as a formal thing. They usually just place their names while in spoken conversations.

いってきます- itsutekimasu- It's like saying see ya when you're about to leave home. (pronounced ittekimasu)

いってらっしゃい- itsuteratsushyai- It's like saying come back safe. (Pronounced itterasshai)

Little っ is makes the consonant after it repeat. Big つ makes a 'tsu' type of sound usually, but the way the u is pronounced, it's a barely there sound. If you don't understand, listen to some anime, or Japanese youtubers, or Japanese dramas, or just go on google translate and type in つ and なっと and it should have the pronunciation.

只今/ただ今/ただいま- tadaima- I'm home

お帰りなさい/おかえりなさい- okaeri(nasai)- welcome home

いただきます- itadakimasu- thanks for the meal (always said before you eat)

ごちそうでした- gochisoudeshita- it was a good meal (said after you eat)

宜しくお願いします/よろしくおねがいします- yoroshikuonegaishimasu- please treat me well (for new friends and stuff)

すみません- sumimasen- excuse me/sorry

ありがとうございます- arigatougozaimasu- thank you

どういたしまして- douitashimashite- you're welcome

ごめんなさい- gomennasai- sorry

とても- totemo- very

はい- hai- yes/okay

いいえ- iie- no/no problem (after an apology.)

ううん- uun- no (informal)

ええ- ee- yes (informal)

え- E- huh

じゃあ、また- jyaa, mata- see you later (pronounced jaa, mata)

またね- matane- see you later

なに- Nani- what

ちようしはどう- chyoushihadou- what's up (pronounced choushiwadou)

げんき- genki- healthy

わるい- warui- bad

きぶん- kibun- feeling

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