おはよう- ohayou- good morning
こんにちは-konnichiha-good afternoon
こんばんは- konbanha- good evening
(For both of these, the ha is pronounced wa)
おやすみ- oyasumi- good night
はじめまして- hajimemashite- nice to meet you
わたし/あたし/ぼく- watashi/atashi/boku- I (formal)/I (female)/I (male)
Sometimes this is also used as a formal thing. They usually just place their names while in spoken conversations.
いってきます- itsutekimasu- It's like saying see ya when you're about to leave home. (pronounced ittekimasu)
いってらっしゃい- itsuteratsushyai- It's like saying come back safe. (Pronounced itterasshai)
Little っ is makes the consonant after it repeat. Big つ makes a 'tsu' type of sound usually, but the way the u is pronounced, it's a barely there sound. If you don't understand, listen to some anime, or Japanese youtubers, or Japanese dramas, or just go on google translate and type in つ and なっと and it should have the pronunciation.
只今/ただ今/ただいま- tadaima- I'm home
お帰りなさい/おかえりなさい- okaeri(nasai)- welcome home
いただきます- itadakimasu- thanks for the meal (always said before you eat)
ごちそうでした- gochisoudeshita- it was a good meal (said after you eat)
宜しくお願いします/よろしくおねがいします- yoroshikuonegaishimasu- please treat me well (for new friends and stuff)
すみません- sumimasen- excuse me/sorry
ありがとうございます- arigatougozaimasu- thank you
どういたしまして- douitashimashite- you're welcome
ごめんなさい- gomennasai- sorry
とても- totemo- very
はい- hai- yes/okay
いいえ- iie- no/no problem (after an apology.)
ううん- uun- no (informal)
ええ- ee- yes (informal)
え- E- huh
じゃあ、また- jyaa, mata- see you later (pronounced jaa, mata)
またね- matane- see you later
なに- Nani- what
ちようしはどう- chyoushihadou- what's up (pronounced choushiwadou)
げんき- genki- healthy
わるい- warui- bad
きぶん- kibun- feeling
Learning Japanese
RandomSo in my book, I'll give you the hiragana and katakana for the alphabet first and then we will move on to words and phrases and sentence structure, etc. I'm a learner too and since there's not a lot of people on here who will teach you the way to sa...