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"If you think you're the predator,
come and catch your prey"


"Let me go!!" I heard his sadistic laugh as I woke up to find him staring down at me which I had become used to over this past year, not him actually being here, just the dreams I have been having that I wished I didn't but what shocked me was that we were both naked.

And that's where the screaming kicked in.

"I swear I will fucking scream louder so that.."

"You won't.." He smirked.

I wouldn't but he didn't have to know that.

"Let me fucking go, Brie is right next door and.."

"You think she's interested in listening to her sister who betrayed her. I mean sure she's standing by you out there but deep down she still hates you. Everyone does but me"

He shook his head laughing but as he did I pushed him off of me .

"Well I hate you!"

He pulled me with him and as I straddled him he pulled me hard down onto him causing me to gasp loudly due to The Viper entering me.

"You don't hate me. You could never hate me."

"You bastard let me go!" I pushed his hands off my body but all it did was let his eyes trail over it.

"No" he smirked.

"You are fucking raping me!"

His eyes widened as he glared at me, immediately sitting up.

I immediately regretted my words as fear instilled into me but he didn't do anything I expected.

All he did was laugh loudly but then suddenly stop.

"I am not . Because that would mean this isn't what you wanted Nicole.." He whispered as his fingers traced over my lips.

"It would mean that all these months you didn't feel the ache, wanting to know what more this Predator could make you feel if you just let yourself slip into his grasps.."

His finger travelled slowly down my collar bone as he spoke.

He leaned in and sucked on my neck causing shivers to run through at the touch as he knew that spot killed me.

He smirked as he leaned back watching his finger as it trailed between my bust.

"You see Nicole. I know you. I wanted you, craved you since that drunken night many years ago . The taste of Fearless Nikki.. I was hooked onto , you were Fearless back then already by not running away when The Predator spotted his Prey but no in your sober mind I was the psychotic man wanting something that wasn't deserved. So you chose to keep going back to the Show Off, chose to have a joke of a relationship with him"

I raised my hand to slap him but he caught it shaking his head.

"Nicole. Nicole. Nicole.. I am buried inside you and you love the feeling of having me trapped by you."

His hands trailed up my thighs slowly and I stopped myself from moving due to his touch.

"And you know I am right about Dolph Ziggler or Nick, whatever. I frankly don't care" he said with disgust as he stared up at me causing my body to slowly heat up.

"And then what did Nikki Bella do after the Show Off? She fell for The Authority.. But not the member she should have fallen for. No, because The Viper was still not stable enough to be with the precious Bella. But you know what I know that neither of them do?"

He leaned forward causing his slight stubble to prick against my cheek while I had no voice at all.

As I was trying to stop my body from doing something stupid.

He gripped my chin roughly lifting my head as he bit into my skin hard, causing me to jerk forward .

I ended up moving with him still nestled inside me and as soon as I did I wanted more but I didn't show it.

I couldn't.

"Nikki Bella likes it rough. " He gripped my behind giving it a good squeeze and I bit my lip to suppress a moan.

"She might be known as the porcelain barbie but it doesn't mean she's fragile. And that's the mistake they made thinking they could use YOU to satisfy their needs with this beautiful body and yeah maybe you enjoyed it because that's all you knew.
Until I showed you the things I could make you feel, you got scared. Not because you are afraid of me.
No Nikki.. you are Fearless remember?
You are afraid of all the things I have made you feel, all the things I can continue to make you feel if you let me."

I let my hands move onto his shoulders as the only grip he had on me was on my behind.

I could feel myself losing grip as his voice vibrated against my skin while his lips slowly trailed over it.

"Nikki Bella is ashamed.."

He surprised me by gripping my hair causing me to gasp as he rubbed his cheek up against mine as his eyes closed.

"Your skin is so soft, sweet .." He stopped himself as he seemed to get confused in his thoughts and his words.

I noticed this for months where he would talk to himself .

"You are ashamed that you have loved every moment of this game. Ashamed that you craved more each time, with every rough touch you wanted more because Nikki?
You like being told what to do.
You like the fact that I am buried inside you because I forced you onto me , I can feel you dripping, sweet Fearless Nikki. I have been waiting for another taste for so long but I can wait longer cause right now.."

He inhaled deeply into my neck.

"We might have been like this when we woke up but trust me, nothing happened Nicole. I thought of so many things to do to you as I watched you sleeping but I didn't want to disturb the Fearless Beauty..."

He placed a gentle kiss on my sensitive neck surprising me as he let my hair go and tipped my chin so that my eyes focused on his blue ones for the first time.

"What am I going to do now Nikki Bella?
Well I am going to let you take control of me because while I want to fuck you till it hurts, till you fill these walls with my name, till there's no doubt what you really need to be fulfilled.
I want you to show me how much you want me. If you don't? Well then I will stop everything that has been going on these last months. Because if you don't show me Nicole then I know The Viper is still not what you want "

He laid back placing his hands behind his head as he stared up at me.

"Like I said. You aren't afraid , you are the Fearless Nikki who knows deep down what she craves to feel. So Nicole..." His eyes trailed over me.

"What's it going to be, are you going to give into the dark desires and take over this Viper? Are you? Are you going to show me what you are capable of in the moment of claiming me or are you going to leave, roam those hallways as if this never happened. As if The Nikki Bella hadn't fallen prey to the sick Predator known as The Randy Orton.."

This twisted game he has been playing is what I said I wouldn't fall into.

Months upon Months..

I swore I wouldn't let the Predator have the Prey he wanted so badly..

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now