"That one." The man looked at Armeca with hungry eyes yet pointed at the girl standing next to her.
I walk over to her and reach my hand out. She rests her hand in mine before I gently pull her up and lead her to the man. The man was married, no doubt, yet he comes here everyday for weeks getting different girls to satisfy his needs. It usually had no effect on me after six months in a brothel back in Norvos but for some reason it made me sick to my stomach now. Once they were headed to a room I took a seat beside Olyvar. He leaned his head on my shoulder while I leaned my head on top of his.
"I don't understand. He is married yet he fucks random women?" I question.
"It is how the world works Asten. It's how people, mostly men, work; how they stay alive." Olyvar replied.
I sighed with disgust. I have been in King's Landing for over two months and every man who steps foot in the brothel disgusts me. Within a few weeks I was taught the language of the people and could now speak it perfectly yet my weird accent gave away that I was not from here. For some unknown reason it seemed to draw in people and soon I was a favorite of many.
Olyvar and I stayed that way for another five minutes before a middle aged woman walked in. She was nervous, I could tell. I lightly pushed Olyvar off with my shoulder then walked over to the woman. I smiled softly and reached out my hand for her. She hesitated before she set her hand in mine. We walked over to Olyvar who greeted her with a smile and took her hand from mine.
"I'm Olyvar." He lightly kissed her hand. "And you are?" He asked as he straightened up.
"V-Vellysa." She stuttered. I took the opportunity to take her hand back and kiss it as well.
"I'm Asten. Lovely to meet you Vellysa." She blushed.
"Would you like a girl?" Olyvar asked. She twisted her head to meet his questioning stare.
"...or one of us?" I countered causing her to whip her head toward me as I made a circle around her to get a look.
The look on her face was one of nervousness and pure fascination as she watched me walk from behind her until I was standing beside Olyvar in front of her. She slowly closed her mouth as she looked down with a blush on her face for a quick moment then looked back up at us. She smiled shyly before she pointed at me hesitantly. I walked to her and gently grabbed her hand then headed off to a room with her.
As we walked into the room Lord Baelish walked out which ended his rounds that he made throughout the day. He smiled kindly at me as we passed then continued on his way. Once we were in the room I took Vellysa to the bed so she could sit. I poured her a glass of wine from the table sitting next to her. When I handed it to her she simply shook her head and pushed away the glass.
"I don't drink." She whispered.
"Smart girl." I smirked as I set the glass back down.
Without thinking I leaned down to kiss the woman, partly expecting her to push me away like she did the wine but the push had yet to come. Instead she gingerly grabbed my face so she could kiss me. My lips pulled up into a small smile as I began to basically mouth-fuck Vellysa only making her melt into my mouth. Although the kiss didn't last long as we were interrupted by the clearing of a throat. I pulled away from her, a small string of saliva still connecting us, to see Lord Baelish standing in the doorway.
"So sorry to interrupt you darling but Asten is being shut down for the day. I have some matters to discuss with him. Though Olyvar is waiting patiently to serve you in any way possible." He smiled.
I felt slightly offended as she was the first female customer I had seen in here since I was forced out of Norvos. Vellysa nodded her head as she said a discreet apology while making her way out of the room. Once we were left alone Lord Baelish brought his hand up and motioned for me to go to him before turning to walk out. Although I was throughly confused I followed him through the establishment. Soon enough we had made it to the other side of the building to his office.
He opened his door for me to walk in before him. The door was shut after him which left us in a very big, well lit room that was his office. It was the first time I had ever been to this side of the building. He had a table covered in papers with a chair against the adjacent wall from the door and a sitting area that ran along the wall behind it, a huge bed on the opposite wall, tables scattered around the room but in reasonable places, and vanity on the wall adjacent the bed. Every surface was covered in either clothing or papers.
"I mean no offense Lord, but what matters did you need to speak with me about?" I asked though I knew nothing of what I had said was offensive.
He chuckled before answering. "I wish to know why you are so popular among the patrons and to know if I, personally, can find out why."

Whores Are Good For The Soul (Game Of Thrones boyxboy)
Romance"I don't love you! Asten why can't you get that through your thick skull!" He yelled. "I've gotten it through my 'thick skull' my problem is I thought I could prove it wrong." I snapped without thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Petyr Baelish is a well-known...