'Lonely Hearts Club'//3

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"I must apologize sir but I don't understand what you mean." I said to Lord Baelish as he simply walked closer to me.

"I think you know exactly what I mean Asten." He said as his hand came up and grabbed my face gently.

I leaned into his touch as though my life depended on feeling his touch. Judging by the smile on his face, he liked it. He gently pushed my face up so that I was looking at him. I took no time in staring into his beautiful blue eyes. His astonishing eye color was one I hadn't seen back in Norvos. I had seen brown and grey and sometimes black but I had never seen blue. Since arriving in King's Landing I had come in contact with many people with blue eyes but I was most captivated by my boss'. His smile widened and he began to lean in. I saw what he was doing but he never stopped looking into my eyes so instead of paying attention, I was watching his eyes.

The next thing I know I felt something warm touch my lips. My mind took a moment to register that Lord Baelish was kissing me but I wasted no time in closing my eyes to kiss back. He took a hold of the other side of my face as the kiss deepened. Hesitantly and gently I placed my against the right side of his face; it was warm. He pulled away with a smile while my hand slid down his face and I was silently panting.

"I have to go. The Queen requests my presence. I shall see you afterwards." He tells me as though nothing happened.

Instead of giving a definite answer I only nod. He smiles then walks past me to leave the room. I stand in the middle of his office for a moment before deciding to leave. That man makes no sense. (Of course not, he makes dollars. Sorry. Mama Liza would be proud tho.) I let out a small laugh then walk out into the middle of the brothel. Olyvar walked over to me then sets his hand on my shoulder. I look at him to see him giving me a curious look.

"What did he want to talk to you about?" He asked.

I shake my head, not wanting to tell him anything. "It was nothing important. Just...wanted to know how I am settling." I replied hoping he would take the answer and be done with this conversation.

"Weird. You have been here for over two months now. That sounds like a question that should have been asked a while ago." He laughed but accepts my answer nonetheless.


Hello everyone who decided to actually read the Authors note down at the bottom! First the picture is what Asten looks like. The guy I chose is actually a model who is good shit. His name's Dylan Fosket and I will forever be obsessed Dylan Fosket.

I know it's been forever since I updated this and I'm sorry. I don't exactly have a good excuse. I'm a senior in highschool and I'm one tardy away from not getting credit for a class, trying to get a job, and hating myself. Believe it or not hating yourself takes a lot of energy. Especially when you were in a wreck exactly a year ago and it fucked up your back so now even sitting down to even slightly lean over a laptop to write something, hurts.

Anyways that's enough of my ranting. Sorry the chapter is so short I just felt like I needed to get something out there and my creative juices have stopped flowing. *I say as though I'm not going to update another story after this* So thank you for reading and please vote/comment/all that other jazz and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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