Chapter 3

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Darling's P.O.V.

"Ugh!" I groaned. "I hate this! Honestly, I should really consider keeping this somewhere else." I was standing at my locker attempting to find my books but my armor kept getting in the way. I should just get a second locker or even just leave it in my dorm. It's not as if my being the White Knight was a secret anymore. I was about to give up and head for the library when I heard someone calling my name.

"Darling! Darling!"

"Hey, Raven? What's up? How's Apple doing?" Apple had been sick in bed for the past few days. Raven told everyone it was so bad, visitors weren't allowed.

"Need... You... I..." she gasped, panting. What was going on? Why did she just sprint across the hall to come get me?

"Just take deep breaths," I said. "Good, now try again."

"I need you to go talk to Apple."she said, still trying to catch her breath.

"What? But I thought you said she has highly contagious." Please, even if she was contagious, I would still go see her if she needed my help. I don't know why, but ever since I was a kid, I was inexplicably drawn to Apple, not even necessarily in a friendship kind of way but just being next to her was strangely calming and filled me with a warm feeling.

"Maybe we should take this upstairs," Raven smirked, waving a glowing purple hand. And suddenly we were just outside her and Apple's dorm room.

"Listen," she whispered. "I need your help. Apple's practically self-destructing. She won't get out of bed, she hardly eats, she's always either crying or staring off into space. I just... I don't know what I'm supposed to do. You need to go talk to her." Raven sounded more frantic than ever. This was so unlike her.

"Okay, calm down. Now, have you any idea why Apple's acting like this? Was it out of the blue or did something set her off?" Being frantic was rare for Raven but Apple acting so... depressed and sullen? That was just a terrifying thought. Raven cocked her head to the side and looked at me with an extremely odd expression.

"Are you dense Darling?" Well, that was harsh. "It's you! Ever since we went to go see Giles and he told Apple you were her true love, she's been freaking out about her 'broken destiny' and 'the fate of her kingdom' and 'being a freaking lesbian'." Wait what?

"What are you talking about?"

"Darling, did you honestly think that you waking Apple up would not affect the future at all?" Raven bit.

"No, I guess not. So, I'm Apple's true love huh." Wow. This was...

"Yep. Which is why you need to go in there and snap her out of this. By the way, you seem strangely calm about this. Care to fill me in on why?"

"Gender never really mattered to me. Whether you're a girl or a guy or whatever, all that matters is what's inside. Same goes when it comes to falling in love. Though I'll admit I never thought I'd spend my life by the side of another girl, I'm just happy I found true love." I forced a grin.

Okay, so maybe I wasn't being 100% truthful with Raven. It's not that I have a problem with being in a relationship with another woman, it's just that even though Daring never clicked with Apple like that, neither did I. So what. I was supposed to be there for the princess of my story just like any other knight would even at the expense of my life (or in this case my love life).

"So let's go." I turned towards the door and knocked three times. "Hello? Apple it's me." Nothing happened for a long while. Raven was glancing between myself and the door every few seconds and a cold sweat appeared on my brow. Why was I so nervous all of a sudden?

After a fairy long while, a voice thick with tears but sweet all the same shattered the silence. "Darling? Is that you?"

"It is," I gulped. "I'm coming in. Is that okay?"

"...Sure. You can come in." I pushed open the large heavy door slowly and saw the inside of Apple and Raven's dorm, not for the first time but it might as well have been; every time I am surprised at the ginormous contrast. Turning towards the gold and white half of the room, I found a bed fit for a queen and a gigantic lump under the blood red blankets. Hesitantly, I sat on the large bed, fairy careful not to touch the lump and startle her, and slowly placed my hand on what I thought was Apple's shoulder.

"Umm... Once upon a hi Apple. How've you been?" Grimm, I was bad at this.



"What are we gonna do?" Apples muffled voice asked.

"What do you want to do? Your call."

"That's just it. I don't know what we should do! And it's been driving me crazy!" Apple screamed.

Sighing, I pulled back the blankets and was shocked by what I found. This was not the Apple I knew. Her hair was tangled and in disarray, her mascara and eyeliner were completely ruined due to the tears she'd shed, her lipstick was smudged everywhere, her skin was so pale... well pale for her and to top it off, she looked as if she hadn't slept in days. I had to fight the urge to crawl under the covers and pull her into my arms...wait... what?

"You know," Raven spoke. Apple and I both shifted to look at her. "I might be able to help."

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