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Maine prayed for it to stop, for him to stop. But she realized that everytime she reacted to what he did, he'd only do more. So she kept quiet, unable to control what was rightfully hers despite all the fight her body wanted to give. She felt like a puppet as he jerked her from side to side, powerless to his will and incapable of severing the strings.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she had to fight in order to keep them back. Part of her willed for her body to give into the pain Beau brought down upon her, and yet her stubbornness refused to relent. She fought back as much as she could, her strength decaying.

And then, she hit the ground with a massive thud.

Emotionally shattered, she laid there, unable to blink or move, her heart beating rapidly as she looked up at Beau. Maine felt weak, broken, and most importantly, helpless; all her life she had a means of defending herself, of fighting back, and even when she had lost control of everything else around her, she had been able to defend herself. The realization of the present hit her as she swallow a sob, unable to pay any heed to the throbbing that was her entire being, her thoughts too consumed by her own vulnerability.

She eyed him with glassy eyes, pure hatred for the vile man leaking out of her pores. " My partner's name is Special Agent Richard Faulkerson Jr and I work for the FBI. I," she said with the last bit of strength she could muster before giving into the dark. "Am Doctor Maine Mendoza. And you... you can never take that away from me."

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