Chapter 15- Kewl?

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I , Ella and Fiona were lounging on the pool side of Tiff's great mansion. It had been around two hours since others left after they had so much 'fun'. Gee, what a day! They were doing all that lame cliche stuff and thought they were oh-so-bloody-cool. I pity them. I seriously do. One of them even said - "Oh guys we are so cool!" "Everyone would be so jealous of us" "We are definition of fun lovers". A shiver ran through my spine as I remembered that person's face. I mean who calls himself 'cool'. And the deadliest part - he pronounced it like kewl.

Great friends you made Tiff.

Anyway I was sitting on the chair doodling with my iPhone and licking ice-cream bar. I tapped Sims Free-play App and engrossed myself in it. I ordered my sims to talk to each other and stuff. Hey,this game is actually awesome. I can spend hours like this but I missed adventure.

"Oh my god! My ice-cream is melting!" I gushed as I licked the chocolate dripping from my fingers.

"Quick! Put it next to your heart to keep it cold!" Fiona squealed.It took me three seconds to decode that. What-a-loving friend.

" Hey! Just because I am moody , doesn't mean you are not irritating. " I said sharply. Fiona gave me a finger and muttered something.

" Guys! Tell me again why did we come here?" I yelled. Yes I was in a foul mood. Bear that.

"I mean seriously , why the fuck we came here? It could have been so great if I was back home sleeping my head off on my bed. Ah! Or maybe we could have gone some place we adored like we did last summer. Remember pulling pranks and then you-tubing it or that Ice-skating marathon. Anything but this." I said whining.

"Stop being a whiny-complaining bitch!" Fiona shot back. "I can see your point , but still I think you are full of shit." I narrowed my eyes at her and decided to youtube funny stuff before I homicide someone. 

Fiona didn't catch the sign and continued her own ramble -" Don't you think that nasty friend of Tiffany-whats her name,again..ah..Rebecca..whatever I am gonna call her bitch -is a whore. The way she looks at Shane makes me shudder as if she is eye raping him or something?!" Her eyes shone with complete hatred. Look who is complaining now! What a hypocrite.

Anyways I didn't know how to reply to that. I mean she was surely weird but a whore? Whore is a big word. So I stuck to my usual over used reply-"IDK..aren't you a little possessive? " Yes I didn't know if she was being a creep or not. I didn't notice and hardly care.

Fiona rolled her eyes at me and spitted "You are a spoil sport. A damp squib. Go to hell!!Cant you just one time bad mouth someone with me?Or it would cost you much giving me bitching pleasure?!" She pouted battling and lashes and faked sobs.

I chucked at her bad attempt and shot back  "I am multi-talented , what can I say?..I can talk and piss you off at the same time." Ella interrupted me -" I will , Fiona , I will provide you the immense bitching pleasure." She faked an evil smile and giggled to herself. And then they started that intolerable hot bitching session. I smiled at them to creep them out. Hah! I am cool like that. Jealous? Buzz off.

"Hey! Why are you smiling like a creep, which you already are!?" Ella said as she noticed my attempt.

"I am smiling..because ..because they haven't found the bodies yet." I said using my favourite comeback to which I earned two loud snorts. Jeez, I am flattered.

Poor Rebecca! I didn't realise when I dozed off.


By the time I woke up my body ached a little. It was almost cold out here. Fiona and Ella were on towels sleeping probably trying to get tan but from what I could see they had light skin burns on their backs. I giggled as I placed towels over them. A depressing feeling took over my senses as I realised how much time I had wasted while my doze off session. My whole evening!

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