Chapter 11- Sleep Sleep Come Again

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I felt a harsh vibration and a 'ding' sound from the cushion my head sat on. I tried to open my eyes but was way too tired and lazy to do that. So, I drifted back to my dreamland. After few seconds or few minutes, I felt few more destructive vibrations.

 Geez. I groaned and peeled myself from the sweaty bed. Maybe some urgent message.

 Yeah, right.

My eyes landed on the Digital clock which was placed on the front wall, it was 3:17 a.m.


 It should be urgent or else I will chop someone right now. Plus I was feeling really sweaty and sticky. Ew. Sweat beads were all over my body and my pj's were sticking to my skin.

Was it mandatory in Miami to always wake up drenched in water?

 My eyes were drooping and begging for some sleep. Shower felt like a heavenly choice, but please at this hour-nah. Laziness- I tell you. I checked the air conditioner and it was already on the minimum temperature.

I took in the surroundings. The screen in front of me was switched off now and I was covered in my purple comforter. Must be Aunt Kelly, I thought.

I growled as I saw Fiona sleeping peacefully and Ella snoring lightly on a spongy couch. Urgh, green monster took over me. I was getting jealous of the fact that how peacefully they were sleeping and me? No peace. Thank you very much.

Unwillingly I scooped my cell phone from under the pillow. As far as I can remember I had switched my mobile off before passing. God These Iphones.

I squinted my eyes to read: 3 messages.

Oh! They were from same person, the unknown dude. What was his name, again? I scrolled up to see our earlier chat and my eyes landed on his name. Drake. I saved his contact to avoid further confusion.

Drake: You there?????!!

Drake: Hey... I need someone to talk!

Drake: Wake up!!!!!!!!!!

My cell phone vibrated again. Yeah, you guessed right. It was from Drake, indeed.

Drake: Awake?

The fuck he wants. AT THIS HOUR!!!

Me:No , I am not.

I replied. Sarcasm is my forte. Oops. More like- lame sarcasm.

Drake: Haha!!! So u sleep talk… Nice to hear ;)

I was about to think of an awesome comeback. But my cell vibrated to its life, again.

Drake: Actually u sleep text! :P

What? Really? This guy is so lame. I thought of not replying. But sleep was not likely to come again. So instead, I replied. Plus, I needed to vent out my anger (due to disturbed sleep of course!) to certain someone.

Me:What do you want? If nothing then please buzz Off.

I am the Master of Lame comebacks too. Thanks! Mentally cursing myself I snuggled inside the blanket.

He was a fast texter.  I got his reply within seconds.

 Drake: I wanna talk to u Idiot thats y I texted u. : P

Time for another lame reply.

Me:Do you know me? And, YOU IDIOT.

Drake: I texted u yesterday by mistake...

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