Chapter 2

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 Hey Guys, here's the second chapter, I hope you enjoy!

*Thats Cameron on the left. Isnt he a hottie Mchottie!? I think so!*

Zuleyka’s POV

“It always happens to you. You’d think that the lockers knew you by touch and all had a pact to not open for you.” Jordan joked.

I could always count on him to make me laugh…but my laughter caught when I looked up and saw Cameron at the door. His eyes scanned the room for an empty chair and his eyes landed on the chair behind me before they landed on me. And he smiled…

I just about lost my breath and as he walked by I chose to focus on my pre-calc book. I could smell his Calvin Klein cologne as he sat behind me; I could think of few times where I’ve smelled better.

My eyes went up as Mr. West walked in the room and I was glad that class was about to start, that way I didn’t have to focus my breathing all class long with Cameron sitting just behind me.

“Morning class, I hope you let all of your brain farts go over the summer, because you’re going to gain twice that. I guarantee it.”

 A few students chuckled at his sad attempt to tell a joke and Jordan and I just rolled our eyes.

“This class isn’t going to be no walk in the park. It’s going to be hard and it is going to be challenging. So with that being said, let’s get to work.”

An hour later I stood at my locker with Jordan cursing myself for ever thinking I could take a challenging class like Pre-calc.

“Am I stupid? I must be stupid! I couldn’t get anything that he was saying in that class! I don’t even know what a ‘Quadratic’ is much less how to solve one.” I vented.

“Zulu, look at me.” Jordan said softly. “You’re not stupid and no one expects you to know everything. And as for the knowing of a ‘quadratic’, we’ll figure it out together…like we always do.”  He said touching his forehead to mine.

I sighed, he was right. It was useless being nervous about it now. I’m in the class and no matter what I’d do the best that can, even better when I knew Jordan was going to be there.

“Ok you’re right. I’ll see you at lunch ok?” I asked.

“Yea, I’ll save you a seat.” He hugged me and left.

I sighed one last time and headed to my Lit class, when I hit something again.

“God this just isn’t my day is it?!” I said to no one in particular. I sighed as I bent down to pick up my Lit book when I felt someone’s hand touch mine. I looked up and wasn’t surprised to find out it was Cameron again. Twice in one day, I can’t wait to see how the rest of the day turns out.

“I wonder why we keep meeting like this.” He said while handing me my notebook.

“Maybe it’s because you like plowing into people.” I said and instantly regretted it. “I’m so sorry! That didn’t mean to come out that way...I mean it didn’t mean to come out at all…I mean…ah. Never mind.” I said as I began to walk away. I barely got one step before he touched my arm.

I inhaled deeply and looked up into his green emerald eyes.

“Can I walk with you to class Zuleyka?” he asked with a small smile.

“Um I don’t know. I’m not really in the mood to try and have a conversation with someone right now.” I said.

“Ok well we don’t have to talk. We can just walk silently and reflect back on our perplexing lives.”  He said while grinning at me.

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