Chapter 9

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I have been riding for an entire day. The sun has now set behind the trees of the forest that leads to the tower North Tower. I see a small stream and decide to stop there and make a camp for the night. I get off my horse, Fury, and unsaddle her. She grazes on nearby plants.
I find a berry bush and decide to make myself a meal of it. I walk to the stream and fill up my canteen with fresh water. I reluctantly reach for the bandage on my head. I unwrapped the wound and see cloth stained in blood. I then rinse it off in the stream and then reapply it to my head, wincing.
I take off my armor which consists of chain mail, chest plate, and guards for my arms and legs. I set this down by my helmet.
I gather some twigs and start to build a fire. I start to look through my things in search of any kindling to help start a fire, but then I come across an envelope. I then can the old man's voice telling to open it when I have a free moment.
I will read but first I must start a fire so I don't freeze to death. I gather up more swigs and some brush as kindling and then I strike my Flintstones together and create a spark.
I lie down against a tree and continue eating some berries. I glance over to Fury to see her drinking from the stream. I can't help but smile. As a child, I wanted a beautiful horse like her. A valiant steed to which I ride upon and save the fairest maiden. I laugh at myself. I am now on a journey to save a princess from the tower on my white horse, how cliche. It is like I am living a fairytale. Except there are a few major differences between a child's bedtime story and mine. I am no knight in shining armor. Yes, I have armor but I am no true knight, nor do I want to be. But I believe the biggest difference is the fact that I am just a girl.
A species believed to be stupid and weak, a group that is looked down upon and pitied. I believe this to be wrong and I fight every day to prove to not only others but myself that I am strong. But when I think of Clara. Will she be disappointed when the man that is defined to rescue her is only a peasant girl that has no value in this kingdom.
I know deep down that I will never be enough for the Princess. And I know that it will hurt like a bitch when she will marry a brave knight. I can't explain why, it's not as if I can actually have intimate relations with another woman, that is unheard of. I mean, what would others think of me, or her? Would she even feel the same way towards me? No. She wouldn't. It's impossible.
I shake these thoughts from my head. I look down to the envelope and break the seal. I take out the contents of what is inside and it seems to be a letter and small painting.
I take the photo in my hands a glance at it. The painting has a man and a woman. The woman has long blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. Then standing next to her is a man dressed in dress attire with his family seal on his chest. He has curly dark blonde hair and bright green eyes.
I then look at the letter. It is wrinkled and has rushed and hard to read the writing.
"To my dearest mother and father,
I am sorry. I regret to tell you that if you are reading this than I am dead. I have been denied the right to marry Grace because she is not of noble blood. This is a problem because she is with child now. I had dreamt of being a father and watching a child of my own growing up but that does not seem to be my reality. No matter what happens to me, I want you to know that I will always be your son and I will fight till the very end for the life my child deserves. Grace says she is positive that the child is a girl. She is on the run now, heading out to your place. Please keep an eye out for her and protect her and the child. And tell that child that moment she is brought into this world that I love her very much. And I will always love my beautiful daughter Myr-"
The sounds of horses coming towards me break me from my reading. I quickly stomp out my fire and I head over and grab my bow and draw it back and wait. I see a group of about 5 men on horses. They just ride past me without noticing me, they must have been on some kind of patrol. I fold them up the not and put it in an I gather up all my things and put the saddle on Fury and start back on my way to find the princess.

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