Chapter 10

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Clara POV
I wake up to another endless day. My head still throbbing from being thrown against the wall by that evil guard. Because of my "outburst", I have been denied two of my three meals. I was only given water.
I contemplate refusing all food and water. Just let this suffering die, just let myself die. I could be with my mother again, I could be with her again. Just thinking of being with the ones I love again. It sounds like heaven, and it probably would be.
But the hunger in the pit of my stomach is so painful. I doubt that I could hold out, give in and eat, then drink, then sleep, then live. A never-ending cycle.
The guard showed up to the door and unlocked it. He dropped a tray with surprisingly more food than usual. Instead of my usual dash to the food, I decided to stand up and hold my head up and walk to my respectively, like a princess. I take the tray and walk to the far corner of my cell and begin to eat.
The guard then walks up to me and holds his hand out. In it was a small yellow flower. I take the flower and inspect it. It is so small and delicate and smells so sweet. It reminds me of the beautiful garden in my kingdom.
The garden made me feel close to my mother, it had every flower in every color. It made everything feel alive. It made me feel alive. And this small flower in my hand had the potential to grow, to be apart of the most beautiful garden. But it's life was cut short, taken by a cruel man. I can't help but feel as though this flower and I are the same.
But unlike the flower, I still had a chance. I realize now that if I die, they win. I lose. I don't want these evil beasts to take my own will to live. What right do they have to cheat the game and still win the prize? That's a sick game that I choose to no longer be a part of.
I choose to live. And I choose that my life will be my own. I don't know how but I will get out of here rather it be a knight to save me or myself. I'm not going to be some sad tale.
During my mental pep talk, I hadn't noticed that the guard had sat next to me. His arm snaking around my shoulders, his thumb gently massaging my arm. I look over to him. He smiles a sick smile.
"I forgot to tell you. Happy Birthday. You're 18 now." He whispers in my ear. "You're no longer a little girl, you are now a woman. You have not  idea how long I have waited for this day."
I stand up and dart over to the end of the room. He catches my wrists and pulls me towards his chest. He holds me against him. I try to break free but I can't he is too strong, and I too weak.
"Shh. I know that this isn't fair, and I know you don't want me. But you will. I leave you wanting more." He whispers.
I can't help it any longer, I let out the loudest scream I can. I know no one can hear me but I still have this last shred of hope someone will save me.
He pins to the wall. He starts to kiss my neck. I try to push him off but I can't. I am completely helpless. All of my hope, of myself, is vanishing. Pouring out like blood from a wound.
I start to cry. Ask God, my mother, Myra, to forgive me. To not hate me for being so weak. I close my eyes and stop fighting, relinquishing my last glimpse of hope.
Then everything seemed to stop, time stood still. I hear the door to my cell. I open my eyes and in a flash of dark green a see a sword pierce through the guard. He looks down in shock and the sword is drawn back out. He falls to the ground coughing. Starting to gag on his own blood.
I look at him and smile. I kick him multiple times, watch him wallow in pain. My rescuer sees that I am starting to lose my self in rage.
The person takes my arm and I flinch away.
"No. I promised him I would watch him die." I scream at this person.
He is wearing armor and a helmet to shield his face, he has a dark green cloak on his shoulders. From beneath the helmet, I can see two beautiful green eyes, they are seen familiar and comforting.
He is not very tall but still servers inches taller than me. He is small framed and boned. Does not look like your typical strong knight, but he is fast and smart. Something most knights seem to lack.
I look back to the guard. I see that he is barely hanging on to life. I kneel down and give him the yellow flower.
"Have fun in hell, you sick bitch," I whisper to him.
The fear in his eyes is replaced with a glassy look of death. And he stopped choking. Then his just stops moving. He is dead, and I do not feel sad. I feel satisfied.
"Princess, we must leave now. I let you watch him die, so can we please go." The stranger speaks in a higher pitched voice than expected.
"Yes, I do not wish to stay a moment longer here," I say.
He reaches out his hand for me and I gladly take it. Then we rush out the room. I follow him through the maze a dungeon and then we stop.
He takes his cloak off and wraps it around my shoulder and ties under my chin, then he pulls the hood up over my head.
He then opens a door and a bright light floods in, I shield my eyes.
"Just keep your head down, it will take a while for eyes to adjust." He whispers and pulls me closer to him keeping going. We walk very swiftly for a while and then we stop. He releases me and I look up for the first time.
I can see the forest, the trees. I can smell the fresh air.
I can't believe this. 8 years of captivity and now I am finally free. It's too much to handle. The over welling feelings and lack of food and water have caught up to me.
I start to fall and then I am caught by safe, loving arms. I hear someone yelling my name frantically but I am already to far gone.
"Princess, my princess." I hear and I can't help but smile uncontrollably.
The voice, the words. I drift to a deep sleep. In the arms of my protector.

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