The Beginning

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Chapter 5: The Beginning: Temari

Once Separate from Chiyo my brothers and I were placed in a foster home, with two complete strangers. And throughout the years It was the same, we never really stood in one place and it was never the same face, but yet they were all the same.

"What are you doing don't touch my brother or I'll call Ms. Ray!!" I always hated the foster fathers, when ever Gaara or Kankuro did something wrong they were harshly punished for it and I would always have to defend them from the monsters.

"Temari your brothers did wrong now they have to be punished for it now move out of my way"
"No!! I won't let you hurt them, not anymore!!" But when I would get in trouble or speak out of line it was a different story.

"Temari come here sweetie you know better than to do that, do you want to leave here that badly that you would report me. You know If i really wanted to I could just sell your brothers. Their still small, would you really want that life for them, who knows how they'll turn out" yup always like this.  this bastard new me so well, knew my weakness and how to play his hand perfectly.

"I wouldn't but just leave Kankuro alone he didn't mean to do it I'm sorry please forgive him" I would beg and yet I was never heard

"Temari your getting so big and beautiful" this monster "come here" always the same "let me get a good look at you" disgusting pig


"Gaara! how was your day Gaara?"
"It's was grate uncle I had fun"
"That good to hear, what about you Temari made any friend?" baki would always ask me about my day and my friends but of course after everything that I went through in the fosters homes I no longer trusted people.

"I don't need friends, I have Gaara and Kankuro if I feel lonely" I would always tell him which I'm sure wasn't what he wanted to hear.


The foster homes were hell, as I got older and as my body develop thing become much worse. I was being harassed not only by the elder man but also their children but of course I was always to blame.

"How dare you seduce my son and husband you little whore" *smack* they would always blame me when I did nothing but try to get away from them and yet.

"I didn't do anything I swear he pushed me into the bed and I tried to..." *smack* I was always at fault.

"Don't lie, don't lie!!! I no longer want you in my home!!" *smack* "Ahh!!" I tried to get away always trying but I could never do so

"Good thing your mother is dead because to have a daughter like you would be shameful, *smack* you disgusting wench *smack*" I could never fight back, I was too small and to be honest I would prefer being the one who was being beaten than anyone ever laying another hand on Kankuro or Gaara. I would hold in my tears and take the pain, I take it so they wouldn't have to.


"Temari everyone needs friend every now and than" he tried to get me to open up but I would always shut him down

"Well I don't now please leave me alone Baki I don't want to discuss this any further" I feared being hurt again. Of someone else holding my brothers life's in their hand, Of being used. If I blocked off everyone I wouldn't have to suffer anymore and neither would my brothers.


"Hello your Temari right" Once Baki came into our lives I thought he would be the same as the rest.

"......" *sigh* "well I can't force you to speak to me, anyways my name is Baki and I'll be watching over you all for...... Well I'm hoping the rest of your life" but I couldn't be more wrong.

"Gaara stop your going to hurt your self please don't do that!!" he worried about us, and our well being.
*sigh* "Kankuro what are you doing with makeup on your face again?"
"I like it, make me look cool!!"
".........Ok just don't make a mess" and he was always trying to watch over us. And ever judge us by our action.
"Temari *chuckle* you look just like your mother is kind of scary" Baki was kind and he knew our parents very well, I would watch him hold back tears as he talked about his time with my mother or how close he was with my father. He would always tell us story's of how they met and how my mother and father fell in love.
"Ok come here I'll show you how to play it right Kankuro. Temari you take the vocal and Gaara if you can the drums" But most important of all he made us love music again. After our parents death we blamed the music and we never sang or played again. He made it an important part of our life,just like our parents wanted. And for that I'll always be grateful. 


"Baki!!" Temari yelled as she ran throughout the house looking for her brothers. "Kankuro, Gaara we are late!!" She yelled finally finding them in the back yard asleep "did you sleep here last night you idiots"
"Damn Temari it's too early for you to be yelling like that"
"Your going to scare the neighbors"
"Shut up and go get dressed both of you we're going to be late" Temari than turned and walked back into the house "damn idiots....Baki!!" She yelled once again just to make sure she woke everyone up. *thump* she smirks to herself as she heard her uncle fall of the bed. "Good now everyone's awake, now to make breakfast"


"Temari do you really have to yell that loud in the morning, I mean I'm thankful you wake me up but can't you find another way to do it that doesn't involve your yelling" Baki said walking down the stairs. He was showered and dressed and ready for the day ahead unlike her brothers who were still in the bathroom.
"Well knocking on the door doesn't work I already learn that and personally shaking all of you awake only gets me hurt (Kankuro) so yelling is my only options. Now sit and eat, you have to be at the recording studio at 9:00am sharp" baki looked over and the table was all set and the food was already serve. He just gave her a smile before walking over to take his seat.

Not long after Gaara and Kankuro joined them. After they were done eating they got up and headed out "where are you going?" Baki asked as Kankuro and Gaara were the first to run out

"To the audition" Gaara said walking back in than smiled once he saw baki open up his arms.

"And where is my hug? Did it stay outside like you idiots do at night?" He smiled and they walked over and gave him a hug. Temari just watched as Baki hug her brothers knowing evern if she would try Baki would never hug her the way he did her brothers.


"Yes Kankuro what is it"
"I have something to tell you"
"And want is that Kankuro?"
"Teamri didn't want you to know but she dosent like it when people......touch her"
"But why is that Kankuro *takes Kankuro's hand* to say holding hands or a simple touch can mean love and trying to keep someone safe, so I'm sure when she says not likeing people touching her isn't  exactly that"
" but the other man would touch Teamri and she always hated it" Baki stood frozen, Kankuro didn't have the right to tell him but since that day on baki never laid a hand on me, he would always try to keep his distance, which I didn't mind at first but as time went on I started to feel unloved by my uncle but I would never show it.


"Bye baki have a good day" Temari said being the last one out the door. She walked over to the driver seat to see her brother already in it. Letting out a sigh she walked over to the passenger seat and got in "why can't I drive?"
"You'll kill someone or something with your driving Tem so I'm driving" Kankuro said starting the engine and pulling out of the drive way.

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