The Giant Drop

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"Can we leave already god damn." I said with a negative tone in my voice sitting in the passenger seat of the van.

"Dude, These niggas ain't even out the house yet." Daniel said while scrolling through memes in the driver seat. Daniel is one of the best friends I ever had. He was that one weird looking kid in the group, but somehow girls always had feelings for him. I guess it's the ass chin or something.

"Dude are Max and Stiles jerking each other off or something?" I said to Daniel as I started fidgiting with my phone.

"I dunno what those gay niggas doing." Daniel said with a funny looking smirk on his face.

Just as Daniel finished his sentence, Stiles walked out of the front door with Max following shortly. Stiles walked up to the window and tapped on the glass slowly while staring at Daniel.

Stiles is my other close friend. He was the white kid of the trio but also the smartest. He always was good at figuring out new things or finding new ways to be lazy as possible.

After tapping on the window for way longer than needed, Stiles slid open the van door and got in.

"Y'all niggas gay." Max said with a sigh as he got in the other door and sat in the van. We all just rolled our eyes and ignored the comment.

Max is my stepbrother. He's like a 4th member to the squad but not exactly. He is the smallest one of the 4 of us and barely has a hair on his body even though he's the oldest.

"So who we else are we picking up?" Daniel asked as he put the van in reverse, beginning to pull out of the driveway.

"We gotta get Heaven and Kelli." Stiles said looking up from his phone.

"Dude fuck Kelli." I said angrily. I hated Kelli with a passion. Not for a any specific reason, she's just a bitch.

"I know Kelli a gay nigga but Heaven would only come if we let Kelli come." Stiles said, hoping it'd make me less pissed. It didn't work.

As Daniel pulled out of my driveway onto West Boulevard, I switched on the radio and tuned it to 100.7. 21 Savage started playing.

"21 Savage is garbage stop bro." Stiles said with an irritated voice.

"Fuck yo self you ain't shotgun so it isn't your choice." I said just to make him pissed.

"Boi I'll crash into a semi truck turn off this trash and play some Nate Dogg." Daniel said laughing  hysterically.

I just turned the radio off and started scrolling through my Facebook feed. I saw a post my ex made, throwing shade at me. Oh well.

We pulled up at Heavens house where both her and Kelli were waiting on the porch. They popped up quick and walked to the car.

"Hola." Heaven said in an awkward tone as she got into the back row of seats.

Kelli followed her without a word.

We pulled and started heading towards the interstate. The destination was Six Flags Great America in Gurnee Mills, Illinois. Just south of the Wisconsin border, so it wasn't a far drive from Racine.

Most of the ride consisted of everyone on their phones. Max was scrolling through memes with his volume all the way up just to piss everyone off and occasionally Heaven would burst out laughing in the back seat. I decided to just put in my headphones and relax.

When we arrived about a half hour later, it was almost 12 p.m. It was around 50° and pretty windy. We all piled out of the car to get a quick stretch.

"Hey you guys can go in. I want to chill out here with Eric for a bit." Stiles said, surprising me a bit. I wasn't planning on chilling in the parking lot, but I decided to go along with it.

"Aight we'll be by the carousel niggas." Daniel said while walking away with the others and throwing up a quick peace sign.

Stiles got into the drivers seat of the car and I returned to the passenger seat. I could tell something was on his mind so I pulled 2 joints from my pocket and handed him one.

"Dank dude." He said giving me a quick glance before searching his pockets for a lighter.

"So why'd you wanna stay out here?" I asked him while sparking up my joint. It lit and I took a big pull before looking over at him.

"Dude do you ever have that one girl you just can't lose feelings for?" Stiles asked me before quickly lighting and taking a puff from his joint.

"Fuck yeah dude. It sucks. Why?" I responded as I leaned my seat back to relax a bit.

"I don't know how to talk to Heaven. I mean the whole reason I invited her was to try and let her know how I feel, but she brought Kelli along. Now I never get a chance to talk just me and her you know?" He said with an upset look on his face. He took a long drag from his joint and slowly blew it out as if he was letting his stress float out of his lungs.

"Maybe we could convince Daniel to take one for the team and hang with Kelli so you could get alone with Heaven." I suggested, giving him a quick look.

"There's no way Daniel would do that." He said quick, followed with a short burst of sarcastic laughter.

"Well I'm for sure not doing it so I guess you're shit outta luck pal." I said as I flicked the rest of my joint out of the window.

We sat there in silence relaxing for minute before we decided to head into the amusement park. As I opened my door it was roughly slammed shut by a man running into it.

"Hey what the fuck man?!" I yelled as I quickly reopemed the can door and hopped out.

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to stare at me. We made eye contact and I could easily see the fear in his face.

I wanted to ask why he was running but before I could even mutter a word, he took off running again.

"What a fuckin weirdo." Stiles said slamming his door with an angry look on his face.

As we progressed through the parking lot we heard the large amounts of people attending the theme park that day screaming. But today it wasn't the screams kids make when they're on roller coasters. These were screams of terror.

Stiles and I looked at each other quick before we started to walk faster and faster towards the main entrance, eventually we started running. As we got there we could see a large crowd of people near the gate, except for some reason they were trying to get out of the park, not in. We got closer and saw that all the entrances were sealed shut and the security officers were standing near then, making sure no one was leaving the park.

When we got up to the gate we just stood there confused. I had no idea what was happening.

"Six Flags Great America theme park is closed for the rest of the day. You boys best get home immediately." Said a security guard who approached us.

"Hey some of our friends are in there. One of them has our keys." Stiles said with a concerned look.

"Then you boys better pray." The security guard said before turning around and heading back towards the crowd of people trying to escape the park.

I reached towards my pocket to get my phone but before I could even get it out, the screams from the crowd became horrendous. People started screeching and running from the gates. Some of then were trying to push their way through the gates and guards. The security guards opened fire.

Stiles hit the ground as quick as I did. We stayed down and behind a bush until the screams stopped. We looked up and there were maybe 50 bodies around the gates. It was disgusting.

That's when we saw them.

"Dude is that nigga eating the dead people?!" Stiles said pointing at a what appeared to be a person eating another person.

The "person" heard Stiles speak and slowly got up from its meal and started walking towards us. Multiple others followed out the gates all limping towards us.

"Dude what the fuck." Stiles said putting both of his hands on his head.

"We should go back to the van. Now." I said before I turned around and started to sprint to the van.

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