Drastic Measures

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As Stiles hit the floor, multiple other gunshots rang through the air. A few bullets wizzed past me and hit the steel frame of the carousel. I hit the floor and covered my head the best I could. I looked over at Romeo and he was crouched behind a steel bench, attempting to peak over.

"Hey that nigga who shot Stiles is running!" Romeo shouted as he pointed out a man in all black running farther into the park.

I ignored the asshole who fired the shot and immediately ran over to where Stiles was laying on the ground, wincing in pain.

"Are you okay? Where did he hit you?" I asked frantically.

"Some faggot just shot me, and you're over here asking if I'm okay?" He stuttered through chattering teeth.

I looked over his body and saw a growing blood stain around his right shoulder.

"He's prob in shock. We need to find bandages or something to stop him from bleeding out." Romeo said while he surveyed Stiles' wound.

"We've got a first aid kit back on the car. Help me pick him up." I said to Romeo as I laid Stiles arm over my shoulder.

Romeo helped me and we got down off the carousel as quickly as we could. As we started to walk towards the entrance I couldn't believe my eyes. The pile of bodies stood up and became a horde of zombies.

"It must've been the gunshot." Romeo said as he stared down the horde of undead.

"Then let's go find bandages somewhere else. Fuck going through that." I said as I quickly turned around, causing Stiles to grind his teeth with pain.

We were making good pace but the horde of undead was getting closer and closer and the moans never stopped getting louder. Eventually we made it towards the center of the park and brok the hordes line of sight.

"In here nigga!" Romeo said as he led us into a gift shop.

As we got in the small building Stiles began throwing up and panicking. We set him down, leaning against a counter. His hoodie was now almost completely covered in blood and vomit. Romeo helped me take his sweater off and we laid him flat on his back. It seemed as if the blood was pouring from the wound on his shoulder.

"Try and keep pressure on it. I'll look around for something to help him." Romeo told me as he threw a rag at me.

I pushed the rag as hard as possible onto the bullet wound. I knew Stiles was in pain. It was killing me. Almost as bad as it was killing him.

"I didn't expect to die today." Stiles said to me slowly, trying to sneak a look at the bullet hole. I kept the rag over it and pushed his head back down. He knew it was bad but I still didn't want him to see it.

"You aren't gonna die Stiles. Only pussies die from getting shot in the shoulder." I said to him with a slight grin on my face. The atmosphere was still tense depspite my bad attempt to cheer him up.

Romeo eventually came back into the gift shop, but was empty handed.

"I couldn't find shit. We're gunna have to go somewhere else." Romeo said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You keep the pressure for a bit, I'll try and find something." I said to him as I got up from the ground.

I skimmed through all the items held behind the counter and even opened the register, but nothing to use as a bandage could be found.

Eventually I picked up the phone.

It was working.

"Hey Romeo the phone works. Should I try calling somebody?" I asked with the phone in my hand.

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