Chapter 1

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A young girl is laying on her bed. She's dressed in her see through nightgown her fiancée makes her wear even though she doesn't like it.

"It shows all my beautiful love marks I have left on you. The ones no one will ever see." He says in a caring voice.

She hears him downstairs watching his football game. She didn't want to watch it so she came upstairs. She tries to imagine different ways she could escape from him but none will ever work. For no matter what she does he will always find her. Then she decides to get up. She's not tired but yet she doesn't want to be downstairs. She walks over to their full length mirror where she looks at herself.

Her once beautiful waist length moonlit sliver hair now just past her shoulders and dyed a mocha color. The once beautiful violet purple eyes that were always filled with happiness, caring, and kind nature that are now filled with nothing but fear and self-hate. Her once unharmed body now covered in whip lashes, welts, bites, black and blue bruises, cuts, and scratches. All from being forced to do things she never would've even wanted to do. All lightly showing through the silk black see through gown that hung lightly from its spaghetti straps.

"Whatever happened to that prince charming riding in on a beautiful white horse?" She asks herself as tears start trailing down her cheeks.

She has been putting up with this for almost three years now. Unable to get away from it all. Then just as she was about to head out of their bedroom her cell phone rang with her brother's ringtone.

"Hello?" She said quietly afraid her fiancée would be coming up the stairs at any minute and harm her more if he heard her talking to another guy.

"Hey, Syrina. I'll be back in town this weekend. Thought you might want to hang out for a day. You know just like we use to?" Her brother said as you could hear the sound of a softened music playing in the background mixed with the sound of rushing wind almost as if he was driving somewhere.

"Yes, I would love to. When are you coming?"

"I'll be hitting town late tonight so I thought maybe tomorrow."

"Sounds like a date." She said chuckling as they both said their goodbyes and hung up.

But just as she laid the phone back down on the nightstand and turned around she got a hard slap across the face sending her falling straight onto the bed. She didn't have to look up to know who it was and why.

"How dare you make a date with another person without my permission!" He yelled.

Syrina looked up and seen her mate standing there by the bed, his short black hair spiked up like he normally had it, his black muscle shirt holding tightly against his perfectly built body, and his AND1 shorts hanging down to just past his knees. His once beautiful forest green eyes she fell in love with only five years before were now always filled with hatred and anger and was always directed at her.

The Next Morning:

The time was now 8:29 AM. Syrina was up and in the shower as she sang to her own music.

"And you're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal
Got to bring myself back from the dead

Sometimes, I hate, the life, I made
Everything's wrong every time
Pushing on I can't escape
Everything that comes my way
Is haunting me taking its sweet time

Holding on I'm lost in a haze
Fighting life to the end of my days

Don't wanna be rude but I have to
Nothing's good about the hell you put me thro-" Then her music stops and her brother's ringtone starts playing. She shuts off the shower as she was done in it anyways and answers putting him on speaker since her fiancée Lyion was already off to work and clocked in by now.


"Hey, Sy Sy. I'm in town now and awake if you want me to come pick you up."

"Ya, that would be great. I'll text you the address just give me about twenty minutes to finish getting ready." She tells her brother as she finishes drying off and wraps the towel around her before grabbing her phone and heading towards the bedroom while she texts him the address to the house.

"Hey no problem. I'll see you in twenty minutes sis. Bye."

She hangs up the phone and tosses it on the bed as she gets dressed as it begins playing her song right where it left off.

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rings causing their German Shepard Roxie to start barking. Syrina quickly tosses her hair up in a messy bun and grabs her long sleeve light weight black dress jacket and tosses it on to cover the marks on her arms. She takes a brief minute to look at herself in the mirror on the flat of the stairs.

"Make-up covering the red mark from last night, leggings to cover my legs, dress to cover the rest from where a shirt could come up and show, jacket to hide ones on my arms back and neck. I think im good. Or at least I hope." But just as she went to take a step to head down the stairs Roxie ran past her again towards the door where the doorbell rang again, causing her to fall down the stair.

When she hit the bottom of the stairs she heard a loud crack and she knew from the pain in her right leg she had just broke her right ankle if not more. She tried to get up but ended with her being in more pain causing her to scream.

Her brother basically slammed the door open and ran straight to her.

"Syrina, are you ok? What happened?" He said looking worried and scared at the same time.

"Nothing, just I think I just broke my ankle but it's nothing to worry about." She said as she tried to get up again resulting in the same.

Her brother sighed and picked her up and carried her bridal style out to his car.

"You're not going anywhere until after you get it checked out at the hospital.

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