Chapter 8

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  They pass a sign speaking in a different language. They come to a club where she parks and steps out as her outfit changes. She becomes dressed in a skirt going to an inch above her knees, her dress tied around her neck and her mid back as it comes to a diamond point just above her belly button showing a beautiful moon and star ring. Her shoes were black and wrapped around her ankle. Her tattoos showed on her left leg as she had a rose and vine going up her leg with her brother and father's initials by two of the three roses. Her hair pulled up in a braid as it has dragon scales in it and the dragon ripping out of her back. Her once silver hair now a beautiful shadow black with fire blue tips. Her once violet purple eyes were now a fire blood thirsty red.  

"Welcome to Lasher's Play."

He looked at her wondering what happened until he seen her fangs showing.

"You're a vampire. Aren't you?"

"You're a smart one. Dragon I assume."

"How did guess?" He asked looking shocked.

"My senses are higher in this form. You can come in. I'm here to say hi to an old friend who hasn't seen me since I got with Lyion. He worries when you lose contact after speaking every day."

She smiled and walked in as he followed. She walked through the club as many people looked at her with a questioning look.

"Is that her?" A woman said standing by a guy.

"I thought she was dead." A male said.

"She still lives, amazing." Another woman said as they passed by.

"I use to come here all the time. Then when I got with Lyion I was unable to come so most figured I had done something and was probably killed by the cou- "

"Syrina Luneria Alexcot! Get that sexy vampire ass over here right now!" They heard from a guy over at the bar.

The male had silver hair that was spiked up and had red tips. His eyes were a violet color and had snake bites on his mouth as his fangs showed in his smile. He was dressed in a nice pair of dress slacks and a blood red button up dress shirt.

She smiled and ran over to him giving him a big hug as Ryan followed her.

"You know everyone thought the council had killed you, right?" She said as she sat down while a drink got slid towards her.

"That's what happens when you get with an abusive asshole who don't let you do anything."

"Oh, hell no. Not on my girl!" He said looking at Ryan. "It better not be this sexy ass here."

"Excuse me?" Ryan said looking back and forth between the two.

"No! No, no. Lykan, this is Ryan. This is the new boyfriend."

"Oooh. My girl got her a dragon. I hear they're very protective and very comfortable to sleep next to. And other things too." He said winking at her.

"There probably won't be any of that for a while. Not after Lyion."

"You mean the one who's in prison for twenty-six years and has like five restraining orders on him. Tall skinny guy with the short black spiked up hair and forest green eyes?" Lykan said as it brought back the horrendous memories of everything that had happened to Syrina.

"Yes, that one..."

They stayed talking to Lykan a little bit longer about what had been going down. Where she was living, who she was living with, how school was going. The normal things. Once they had gotten out of the club and back into the jeep Syrina had gotten in the passenger seat as Ryan got in the driver's. He readjusted everything before putting it in gear.

Then just as he was about to speak he looked over at her wondering why she had been so quiet and seen she was asleep. Her hair was back to its beautiful moonlit silver which meant her eyes were back to their normal as well. He smiled and drove back to her house.

Once he got to her house he looked over after shutting off the vehicle and seen she was still asleep. He didn't want awake her to walk in so he carried her up to the door as he rang the doorbell.

"What d-Ryan. Awe she's sound asleep. Up the stair first door on the left hand side is her bedroom. And you can stay if you would like. Just don't try anything on her." Rich said as he stepped aside.

"I won't, sir. I promise. She's already told me about the ex." Ryan said as he walked past him and up to her bedroom.

Ryan laid her down on the bed and tried to pull his arm away so that he could cover her up when he got pulled onto the bed.

"My brother." Syrina said smiling in her sleep.

He tried again to pull away from her but found it useless. He sighed and got comfortable by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him. After about a half hour of watching her sleep he let his pitch stone black wings show and wrap around her in a protective way.

"Sleep well, my little vampire." Ryan said kissing her forehead before falling asleep himself.

The next morning Syrina woke up and seen wings wrapped around her causing her to freak out. She tried pulling away waking up Ryan who took his wings away and tried calming her down.

"Hey, hey, Syrina. It's ok. It's only me." He said holding her tight.

He could see the fear in her eyes as he tried to calm her down. After a few minutes she finally calmed down.

"I promise it's just me." Ryan said keeping a hold of her.

Syrina stayed close to him as she closed her eyes.

"There is a lot you don't know about me either. But I will show you another time. For now, I will say I am a dragon. I don't shift into my full dragon though. Mostly I just show my wings and that's only around certain people. You are one of them." Ryan said bring her attention to him.

She stayed close to him as she smiled.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not use to it. It got me scared because I didn't know." Syrina said still slightly shaking.

Just as Ryan was about to speak again there was a knock on her door. Syrina got up and walked over to her door opening it as she seen it was her dad.

"Did you two sleep good last night?" He asked looking between the both of them.

"I did and she fell asleep on our way back. Then she slept through the whole night."

"She did what?!"

"I was comfortable. I was tired so I slept on the way home then woke up about ten minutes ago." Syrina said as she grabbed her jacket and walked past her dad to go downstairs.

"She hasn't slept all night since she left Lyion. She's always waking up from nightmarish memories from what he's done to her." Rick said looking at him shocked. "Would you be able to stay a few nights so I can do some tests?"

"Yeah, I'll just have to let my dad know. I mean if it means her getting good sleep I'll be willing to do anything."

They were both called into school since they got to sleep in. Rick called in work so that he could stay and take care of the kids. Which meant no practice today.

Ryan stayed with Syrina as Rick ran some tests on her due to her falling asleep off and on all day. Ryan was enjoying the day just being next to her. They sat on the couch and watch tv.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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