Chapter 2

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"Nothing, just I think I just broke my ankle but it's nothing to worry about." She said as she tried to get up again resulting in the same.

Her brother sighed and picked her up and carried her bridal style out to his car.

"You're not going anywhere until after you get it checked out at the hospital.

He put her in the passenger seat and buckled her up when he got a glimpse of a bite mark on her shoulder, but instead of asking he just pushed it aside and went to the driver's side and got in before starting the car and heading to the hospital.

After waiting around for two hours for the xray results to come back they finally came back.

"Well, Miss. I'm sorry to say but you did break you right ankle, but you have also got a fracture in your tibia. We will need to put you in a cast for six weeks." The doctor said as he looked between her and her brother.

"I'm sorry, Doctor. But I can't do a cast. Can I just do a splint or something."

"If you brother here can make sure you stay off of it for three weeks yes." The doctor said looking at her brother who nodded his head. "Good. I will go get that ready. But before I do could I speak to you outside the room please?"

Her brother looks a little worried but walks out of the room with the doctor.

"Can you explain all those bruises on her?" The doctor asked. "Because she has much more than just a broken ankle and fractured tibia. She had three broken ribs, her left wrist is shattered and she has a deep fracture in her collar bone and parts of her spine. I'm amazed she's not in more pain."

"I'm sorry, Doc, but I can't. I just got back into town. She lives with her fiancée and has for three years now." Her brother said looking back at his sister through the blinds in the window. "But I sure do want to get to the bottom of it." He said before walking back into the room followed by the doctor.

"Miss Syrina, can we ask how you have gotten all these bruises?" The doctor asked looking a little worried.

"I've fallen. Our dog likes to run through the house and she trips me a lot."

"Syrina. You've got to tell us the truth. Is he doing this to you?" Her brother asked and when she looked away from him he knew it was the truth. "Sis, please. We just want to help you."

"Yes...yes. These are all from him. Except for my ankle. It's been happening for the past three years. At first it was nothing. It was a happy relationship. We went to school and everything. He was a senior I was a freshman. No biggie. Then when he proposed and I said yes it all changed. We moved out and got our own place and that was when it all started. I never even got back into school. I had enough credits to be half way through my sophomore year." She started crying as her brother sat on the edge of the bed.

"He said it was all just a show so that he could get the prettiest slave around, Kyian. That's all I am to him is a slave. He cut my hair and made me dye it. I have to wear what he wants me to."

"And the bruises on the inside of your upper legs, those are from him." The doctor asked as he was writing it all down.

"Yes. About a week ago he came home and he was pissed. He yelled for me to come down so I did. But then when I had gotten down to the living room he threw me onto the couch and ripped my skirt off of me. He said he was going to show me how a real slave should be treated..." She was crying so much and she didn't want to say anymore.

The doctor nodded his head and walked out of the room. Syrina leaned against her brother Kyian crying.

"It's ok, Sis. I'm here and I'm not leaving." Kyian started rubbing her back with one hand as he texted their dad with his other telling him to come to the hospital and what room. And now.

After a half hour Syrina had cried herself to sleep while a nurse hooked an iv up to her. After a few more minutes their father had arrived and was outside the room waiting to talk to Kyian.

"Your friend, Rolen. He still doing those abuse cases?"

"Yes, why? What happened and why is your sister here." He asked looking worried and pissed.

"We are going to need him. And she's going to be moving in with you if that's okay." Kyian said trying not to piss his dad off.

"Again, why?"

"Lyion has been abusing her. And I guess he's also went as far as "showing her how a real slave should be treated" also known as rapping her. But because they are engaged she was afraid to speak up." Kyian said looking in the room at his sister who laid on the hospital bed sleeping.

Their dad didn't say anything just walked away and made a phone call on the way out.

Two more hours have past making it about dinner time. Syrina was now awake and had been for about ten minute. She was still in the hospital bed and was leaning against her brother as her dad was talking to his friend Rolen or as Syrina always called him Uncle RoRo and another police officer. They had already talked to her and the doctor and was now making a case and restraining order against him.

"So, Syrina. I wanted to tell you this but I was hoping to do it over lunch or something but I have a girlfriend. I was going to bring her the next time I came down to visit that way I wasn't throwing it on you all at once."

Syrina smiled happy that her brother had finally found someone he could be happy with.

"Do you have a picture?" She asked looking over her brother's shoulder.

He smiled and pulled out his phone showing her a picture of a beautiful girl dressed in an amazing blue dress that flows down to the floor and has a beautiful flower design on it. She has a shawl around her elbows as she had her hair pulled up in chopsticks but left her shadow black bangs down so they fell over her left eye. There was a beautiful waterfall behind her as she was smiling brightly as you could tell she was happy and was with the right person. Just as she went to grab it, it started to ring for a facetime call.

"Do you want to talk to her?" Kyian asked as he answered the call.

"Hey, sweetheart. How's the-who's the pretty girl."

"The trip is good, Arelia. And this is my little sister."

Syrina waved at the girl who smiled and waved back.

"Hey love, I'm going to have to call you back."

"No problem. Call me when you can miss you. Bye you two." Arelia said as she ended the call when Syrina seen the police officer and RoRo walk back in.

"SySy, can you sign this line? Kyian we're going to need you to sign the one below."

They both signed and the lines they were supposed to as the police officer left with the paper when they finished. RoRo stayed and talked with Kyian while their dad walked over to Syrina.

"Would you like to come live with me? We can get you back into school and I can even let you help me train the football team." He said smiling as she looked up at him.

After all these years of being apart she seen he hasn't changed much. Neither did her brother. They both still had their bright cheerful smiles, their eyes still had that brightness in them. Dad now had his hair a medium brown instead of the black he always had it. Kyian left his hair the normal sliver but had it a little longer than he always like it.

"If you are okay with it. Sure but Jusyan still has Axel. She wouldn't let me take him."

"We'll get Axel. I'm not going to let him stay with that whore."

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