Sam and My Hero

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The sun was in my face I checked the time it was 8:00am I needed to get up if I wanted to meet my favorite Youtubers! Hurrying up I put on black skinnies and my shirt with all my favorite Youtuber's names on it. Caspar Lee being close to the top after I took a quick shower, then ate some pancakes and vlogged a little bit. Then it was 9:00 and Christina was dressed and we headed out but not before I grabbed my backpack. 


Standing around the doors I got our passes and we laughed stepped inside to see a whole lot of people mingling around. My notebook in hand with AmazingPhil in the front where he can sign his first then the other Youtubers I watch and 2 pictures if I meet new Youtubers! 

Walking around for a while Christina screamed really loud and almost blew out my ear drums as she saw the one and only Sam Pepper. She ran up to him got a picture and came back but he saw me and smiled as she showed me the picture. Slowly he came up to me and smiled awkwardly at me. 

"Ummm... Hi, I couldn't help but notice your shirt. My name is on it, so I was wondering if you wanted a picture or something." Blushing I shook my head yes as Christina took the pictures and I had him sign my notebook. Chuckling when he saw the picture of him it's old he was pretending to part of authority for a prank. "Maybe I should wear my hair like that again for a beautiful girl like you." Can't help but blush he read my name tag. "So Amanda are you a youtuber as well?" Christina answering for me "Yes she is and you need to check her out cause she's awesome!" 

Sam just laughed "I will, hey you guys want to meet some of my friends?" Both of us smiled and said yes as he began walking. Finally we got to this room where a bunch of Youtubers were and Sam told the security people we were with him and they let us through. Christina looked like she was going to scream again from her inner fan girl. Surprisingly she didn't then Joey ran up to us.

"HEY Amandaanya and Christinaanya. Did you guys miss me already?" He smiled as I was about to say hi back Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. "Sam hahaha what are you doing?" "Holding you tight cause I can." Pushing him off lightly he just laughed and I had Joey sign my notebook. Then my notebook was passed around the room Marcus, Zoella, Alfie, Pj, and more. 

But then it hit my favorite youtuber and I started to have a panic attack my breathing got heavy and I almost started crying. "Amanda is everything okay?" Sam asked me but then Christina saw who I was looking at "Go say hi." she whispered to me. Walking up to him I felt myself crying and I took a puff of my inhaler then put it back in my pocket. "Uhhh... C-Can I please get-t your pic-cture?" I mumbled out in between my tears he looked worried and wiped away my tears. His British accent was amazing "What's wrong, why are you crying?" Biting my lip I looked at Christina for support but she shook her head no and I knew I had to do this on my own. "It's just that when I'm really sad I watch your videos and Dan's as well. The one night I wanted to uhh.. die cause I felt so lonely but I watched your videos and I felt worth it again. Sorry that must be weird." He stared seriously in my eyes his hair was perfect. "Can you promise me something Amanda?" I nodded my head "When you feel upset watch my videos don't you dare do anything that would harm you. I know Dan would feel the same way." Then Phil grabbed my hands and turned then over making sure I didn't do anything. He smiled up at me happy, then grabbed his phone and I put my number in there. "Stop crying, I'm here for you. Bout to text you so save my number okay." "I promise." 

Just then Dan walked up to me "I'm here for you as well." Never have I felt so safe I stopped crying and they both hugged me. Sam looked at me kinda sad but I just wanted to forget about it. Right then the two famous twins came up. "Hey you're Amanda from Youtube!" Jack and Finn both said at the same time we took some pictures with everyone and I got my notebook back. 

Laughing it all up Phil hugged me again before Jack picked me up bridal style and walked out the room to where a bunch of his subscribers were. They had jealous faces and looked furious to see him holding me up. Honestly it didn't bother me much I couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey everyone this is now my wife! Finn is going to be so jealous she has a Youtube channel go check it out!" Then letting me down Sam ran up to me and pushed me into Caspar. Th crowd was going crazy and I don't think that they exactly liked me either. Hahaha everyone is here to see the guys here and not me but I'm just as human as they are. "Oye! Viewers who is better Finn or Jack?!" Screaming at them they went crazy screaming names and then Finn came out kissing my cheek. "I see you found my beautiful date tonight!" "FINN THAT'S MY DATE!" Caspar whimpered back. Starting to laughing "Hey I love you two both don't be like that." They kissed my cheeks at the same time making me giggle until Sam and Joey grabbed me and pulled me away from everyone. Sam winked at us and then walked away leaving me and Joey in a room together. 

"Your friends are hilarious Joey. Is there something you needed?" Joey looked down and back up at me looking right into my eyes. "Go on a date with me?" My mouth opened "OF COURSE! I mean I would love to." Joey chuckled at me "Perfect I always dreamt... I mean wished to go on a date with you one day." Gripping his hand "It's okay Joey plus there's a reason I kept watching your videos." Smiling he hugged me and I walked back to Phil and Dan who were just sitting there talking.

Right before I could say hi though someone tapped on my shoulder their British accent was heavy but they talked softly.

"Excuse me, aren't you Amanda?"

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