I Miss You

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He walked into my hotel and we played some Nintendo for a while then he cuddled with me and I passed out. I heard Christina walk in later whispering, "Awww so cute." then her crawling into her bed and going to sleep.

The next morning we woke up early and he helped me pack my things then I headed to his hotel and hugged Phil, and Pj goodbye for now. Then I thought I was about to cry when I had to help Dan pack his things and as he left for his taxi we hugged one last time and he kissed my cheek.

Dan: We can do this, I know we can make this work.

Amanda: Text me soon Dan.

Dan: I promise.

Walking to my hotel Christina had the car ready for us and we headed back to my house.

Christina: So what happened during Vidcon?

Amanda: Well I went on a date with Joey Graceffa, and Pj, and Dan. Dan is now my boyfriend and I met a lot if crazy Youtubers! How was your Vidcon?

Christina: Well me and Shane are really good friends now!

Amanda: That's good!

She turned on the radio the rest of the way home and I couldn't stop thinking about how much I missed Dan already... 

Once we were home I put everything up and played with my puppy. Christina went back to her house and unloaded all her things as I laid there thinking about Dan. Deciding to tweet "Missing him already..' He saw it cause he texted me.

I miss you two, my plane is landing. -D

Okay :) You should check your suitcase as soon as you can ;) -A

Ohhh I will :p -D

- Dan's Pov -

I got off the plane thinking about her, I texted her that I got off the plane safely. Getting my suitcase me and Phil shared a taxi to our flat, when we got there I unpacked everything and saw a note there.

"Dear Dan,

I miss you already. How could I not miss you already, I hope I can see you soon somehow. But I know just talking to you a little each day will make me feel better. You make my day everyday and I will be watching your videos! Can't wait to see your sexy ending of you moving your hips, but seriously I will have to try to visit you soon. It's going to be hard not being able to see my boyfriend unless its through a computer screen, but I won't break this. Me and you Dan <3


           Your Lover Girl Amanderzzz."

Hugging the note I put it on my bed side table and passed out, the next morning when I woke up I texted Amanda automatically. 

This time difference will be the death of me -D

I know what you mean its almost night time over here already -A

UGGHHHH!!! I need to see you soon and hold you again -D

Same with you, I'm glad we're dating though :) -A

Yep, my girlfriend is amazing and everyone should know that ;p -D

After a while I got up to see Phil making breakfast and I remembered when we all went to ihop with Amanda. What am I going to do if some guy is flirting with her and I'm up here... Ugh why didn't I think about this shit before. Oh well I know she wouldn't hurt me and she doesn't care for other guys so I should be fine. Plus I'm pretty sure she will just kick their ass if the even tried to flirt with her. 

- Amanda's Pov -

I know its only been a couple of days but it's so hard to do this with the time difference and knowing I can't see Dan when ever I want sucks! I hang out with Joey and his viewers are starting to ship us together which is quiet hilarious. But I don't know how much I can take of not being able to see Dan...

- Dan's Pov -

Me and Amanda are both tired of seeing each other only through Skype and being so tired that we practically fall asleep on each other. I noticed that Joey's psychopaths started to ship Joey and Amanda together. Not offense but I don't really like the idea that people want my girlfriend with another guy. I know this sounds crazy but I'm going to ask her to live with me... tonight. I already asked Phil and he is fine with her living with us, in fact he can't wait to see her again. 

All I have to do is click name now... Come on Dan you can do this.

Amanda's Pov - 

Dan is calling me, hurry up and answer damn it! 

Amanda: Hi hi!

Dan: Hey Amanda, I got something crazy and stupid to ask you.

Amanda: Okay what is it?

He shuffled on his bed for a little bit then he asked me the question.

Dan: Will you move to London and live with me and Phil?

Amanda: Are you sure about this Dan?

Dan: Yes I'm positive I can't stand this distance between us!

Amanda: I will move in with you! 

After another hour of talking I went online and found the nearest flight to London, packed all my clothes and everything then called Christina.

Christina: Hey gurl hey!

Amanda: I'm moving to London tomorrow. This is my last day here so come over and let's party!

Christina: Oh wow, I'm on the way!

Then I got my phone and called Joey, his subscribers aren't going to like this.

Joey: Hey Amandaanya!

Amanda: Hey come over this is my last day in LA, tomorrow I'm moving to London with Dan and Phil. Oh and one more thing.. Would you and Sawyer want my dog? She's a Palmski and she's potty trained, has all her shots, loves other dogs, and has a lot of toys already and her own bed plus food bowl and collar. 

Joey: Uhh ... hold on. SAWYER!

After 10 minutes on the phone I heard Sawyer chuckle and then Joey squeal a little bit.


Amanda: Now come over so we can party on my last day here, bring Sawyer and Shane please.

Joey: Okay!

After about a hour everyone was over and Sawyer brought Hitch to play their new puppy as they ran around I think that they liked each other. Joey, Sawyer, Shane, and Christina were all watching movies in the livingroom as I told the agent I was selling my house. She agreed to send the check to my new house in London once I was settled in and everything. 

Walking back into the living room we all played games, watched movies, and ate a lot. Then everything I didn't pack I let them decide what they wanted and they took the rest of everything home with them and I fell asleep on the couch all alone. Sawyer and Joey already took the dog, and I knew I was going to miss her the most. 

The next morning I got on the plane and flew all the way to London sleeping but once I got off I was still tired and texted Dan I was off the plane. I saw Phil first as he grabbed some of my suitcases and we hugged then I saw Dan and we ran at each other.

Amanda: DAN!

Dan: Amanda!

He hugged me and he kissed my nose making me blush as we grabbed the rest of my things and went to my new home. We unpacked and I showered then passed out on my new bed cuddling with Dan.

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