Calling the Watchtowers
Calling the watchtowers she started in the east with:
“Hear me now, O winds of the East!
Swirl and twirl, 'til my magic has ceased.
Cleans our hearts, let energy rise.
protect those within, let other not rise.
This great circle is open, your power please lend.
Your great presence is requested and welcomed we bid you , come in!”
The flame over the plinth ignited into a yellow flame. Hovering above the stone dancing around as if being pushed by the wind. Xandria chatting moving on over to the southern corner plinth started all over again:
“Hear me now, O Southerly fires!
Fires light, pure strength -- your flame we desire.
Burn brightly – purify the night here.
Watch over us – keep from fear.
This great circle is open, your power please lend.
Your great presence is requested and welcomed we bid you , come in!”
Xandria waved her hand and the flame appeared over the southern plinth this time it was a bright red flame dancing in the air dancing side to side. Then Xandria moved to the western side of the circle to call the watchtower there:
“Hear me now, O Waters of the Western port!
Waters rise and fall – with it all harm abort.
Great water spirit hear my plea.
Let nothing enter – hear --- me!
This great circle is open, your power please lend.
Your great presence is requested and welcomed we bid you , come in!”
Xandria raised her hand waved it over the great plinth and once again a flame arose above it this time a bright blue in color, it shined so bright radiating into the daylight sky. Next Xandria dancing and chanting over to the northern plinth stopped and turned raised her arms to the heavens once again saying:
“Hear me now, O Earthly Power from the North!
We request your strength stability, give us support.
Your soil is fertile – so shale this Circle be.
Nourish our work here – just as you do a tree.
This great circle is open, your power please lend.
Your great presence is requested and welcomed we bid you , come in!”
With the final watchtower was called Xandria moved back to the east chanting and praying invoking the pentagram in the air with her finger tips. Then all of a sudden a bright green light appeared.....above and around the circle ,.....filling it with energy so unimaginable, was radiating in every directions. She headed back toward the alter to begin the ritual, but before doing so she first called down the God & Goddess to watch over the ritual, to bless and watch over all that participate in the ritual.
Xandria called the God down to the circle with:
“O might God – I forsake of the!
Hear me – hear my plea.
I command thee – enter the circle please!
All mighty – we hail thee.
A dark heart sits – waiting to be made pure!
With all that you see fit – Let her endure.
Come down from the heavens and bless
this circle with your grace love and understanding.
I Command thee, So Mot It Be!”
My Witches Book of Spells (From the Rapture Series)
De TodoXandria, Samantha, & Lady Gaia's Book of Spells is a list of spell used in the books Rapture, Rapture The Awakening and the other Rapture series of books to come. It is all the spell the Witches uses throughout the stories grouped into one place. Th...