Names and Things (Huntingbird)

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Taking a break from my usual FitzSimmons for some Huntingbird :)


"They're so tiny,"

Out of all the things Bobbi Morse had expected out her husband's mouth post labor, that was not one of them. Some snarky comment about how she had no more leverage over him? Sure. But something so gentle and revered? Not really.

But, come to think of it, Lance Hunter was a man of many surprises. The twin knitted caps sitting in her diaper bag proved that.

Her blue eyes followed the gentle rocking motion he had set up with their small daughter. His eyes were soft like she'd only glimpsed a time or two before. And his hands were so big supporting her tiny head . . .

"They are," Bobbi whispered in reply, sight returning to her son tucked against her bare chest. His twin sister had already had her turn, now wrapped snugly and cradled by her father.

Her fingers gently trailed through the wispy blonde threads of hair atop his head. His sister was already beating him in that area; already a clearly pronounced chestnut, she was clearly her daddy's girl.

She smiled softly as his pink lips parted in a tiny yawn, revealing his soft gums. He snuggled back into her chest as best he could, which wasn't much.

"We have to name them, you know," she murmured, rubbing light circles on her son's back.

Hunter nodded, uncharacteristically quiet with the tenderness of the moment. "Yeah," he managed, still watching his sleeping daughter. "What are you thinking?"

Bobbi was sorely tempted to poke something back at him, as their relationship usually consisted. But he was too engrossed, so she allowed the moment to slide. "I . . . I'm not sure. It has to be good, you know. Not Barbara or any of that."

"Or Lancelot," Hunter chuckled softly. "Never that,"

"No," Bobbi agreed, grinning.

Baby names hadn't ever been pressing. The past eight months now felt surreal, as if it was some form of dream. The fact that now they each held an actual human, half her, half him, only now seemed to matter. She bit the inside of her cheek, wishing that she'd taken Simmons' well used baby name books when the scientist had first offered.

"Well," Bobbi spoke softly after a few more moments of drawing nothing. "Name the first name that pops to mind,"

Hunter took a moment, eyes never leaving his daughter's still face. "Luke,"

Her lips curled up, almost laughing. "Lila,"

Hunter's eyes widened, darting to his wife's. "Did we just . . ?"

"Name our children after Star Wars characters? I believe so,"

Bobbi laughed, sweaty strands of blond hair falling in her eyes. "Luke and Lila . . . A nice twist . . ."

"And the whole family is badass." Hunter chuckled. "I like it,"

Her son - Luke, her heart leapt - shifted to look up at her blearily. His eyes were bright blue, matching hers with just the slightest hint of newborn gray.

She smiled. "Let me guess - Lila's eyes are brown,"

Hunter cleared his throat tightly. "Yep," he croaked out, again not daring to glance from his daughter's face.

Bobbi laughed, leaning out to grab her husband lightly by the arm and pull him into a kiss.

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