My Bloody Valentine

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It wasn't her fault. Not really, anyway.

Fine, not technically.

It wasn't her idea to have her period catch her by surprise. Her calendar was marked clearly and she just happened to overlook the tiny red dot in the corner due to all of the other fine print smushed into the boxes regarding testing.

So when she ducked into Fitz's restroom on a study break and found that Lucifer's waterfall had started, she panicked. Her most recent backpack had just been replaced, but however unfortunately she hadn't restocked all of her essentials.

Jemma sighed, letting her head loll back against the wall. There were only so many options she had to call - in fact, only two. Daisy, a comp science student who was her only close female friend.

With another sigh, she realized that her friend's crush of three months had finally asked her out. Which meant the two of them were out on a date, and knowing Daisy's excitement for this particular one, she would be none too pleased to make a run by the local drug store.

Which left only one other option - Fitz.

She stifled a groan; but regardless of whoever came up in her mind, Fitz was still the only other person she trusted enough. And he was right outside . . .

"Fitz?" Jemma called out tentatively. She waited a beat. "Fitz!"

There was a shuffle of carpet right outside her door, and then the handle turned before he seemed to think better of it. "Yeah? Something wrong, Jems?"

Jemma let out a relieved breath. "No, no! Nothing's wrong. I just need you to run to the store and get me some supplies,"

He was silent for a second. "And this couldn't wait until you got out here because -?"

"Because I'm not . . ." She grit her teeth. "Presentable."

The door remained quiet.

"Look," she finally sighed. "Could you just drop by a shop and grab me some things? Feminine things?" She stressed the word where she could, hoping he'd get her point. He was a prodigy - there was no way he could be that dense.

"Oh." And a moment later - "Oh!" She swore she caught an audible gulp. "Uhm . . . yeah,"

Jemma allowed herself a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Fitz. You're a godsend,"

He weakly chuckled, the sound of his arms slipping into his coat. "N-No problem, Simmons,"

A moment later, the outside door clicked shut, and Jemma was left alone.


Fitz stared dumbly up at the local Walgreens sign, people bustling around him in the near darkness. Out of every single near impossible task his teachers had ever pitted him up against, this had to be the worst.

It's a natural bodily function. A voice sounding suspiciously like Simmons echoed in his head. Fitz grit his teeth; if men could launch a machine into space, he could get his best friend the supplies needed.

He entered the automatic doors like a man on a mission and whipped out a shopping cart.

Let's do this. Fitz 7:54 PM] Tampons or pads?

[Jemma 7:54 PM] Pads please

[Fitz 7:55 PM] Any specifications?

[Jemma 7:55 PM] Whatever's cheap :)


Twenty minutes later, Fitz was standing back outside the door with a box of pads in one arm and a bag full of fuzzy socks, varying ice cream flavors, her favorite chocolates and RedBox rentals in the other.

"Ugh, Fitz," she sighed, blushing that he'd cared to look into this so much, and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I, uh, I read an article that said there are certain chemicals in chocolate that help ease mood swings and all -" he was cut off by Jemma pressing up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. It was his turn to flush red.

She squeezed him tighter. "Really, Fitz. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me."

He smiled softly. "No problem, Simmons,"


The following month, she was surprised to find her preferred brand sitting atop her bed, along with a box of chocolates.

Jemma grinned, noting the fact that he - her best friend, male best friend - actually cared enough to get her the products she needed.

"You cook and clean and make sure I take care of myself," he muttered sheepishly when she confronted him about it. "Only fair I pay for something you can't control,"


Every month, a box of pads and a box of tampons would crop up on her bed, along with a different quality brand of chocolates. No fail, she soon found.

Even through the days on the BUS, when Fitz and Skye would make the supply runs, she found the things on her sheets.

Skye winked at her once. "He's a keeper,"


Her bag was packed, ready at the door for the morning. But on her bed sat Fitz's monthly offerings, and she couldn't help but sob.

Even with brain damage, he hadn't forgotten.


Three years passed, filled with astronauts and Inhumans and wedding bells. Before she knew what was happening, her best friend had a new title and a ring and slept right next to her.

He never forgot. Regardless of how busy he got, he would bring her what she needed. Every single month.

One day, he hand delivered the parcels with his usual chocolates and a bunch of roses.

She took them, rolling her eyes fondly. "You're such a romantic." She leaned forward to peck him on the nose.

He grinned. "Don't you forget it. I have the rest of our lives to keep reminding you."

"But I don't think I'll be needing these," Jemma murmured, pushing the pad box into his arms. "Or at least not for the next nine months or so."

Fitz stared at her, eyes wide. "Jemma . . . Are you?"

Jemma bit her lip, eyes shining. "Yes,"

He dropped his load, sweeping her up into his arms and into a heated kiss.

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