I Can't Believe You Talked Me Into This

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jemmamaximoff prompted on Tumblr: fitzsimmons + "I can't believe you talked me into this." please? :)

Your wish is my command, dear! :) *cue cheesy grin*


"I can't believe you talked me into this,"

Jemma, laughing jovially, turned to face her boyfriend. "Talked you into what, Fitzy?" She batted her eyelashes in an uncharacteristic fashion, only serving to deepen his mood.

"Really, Jemma? Really?" He pursed his lips as the cart they were strapped into lurched backward into darkness, moaning sickly. "Oh, God, Jems, we're going to die. The suspension cables are going to give out at the top, leaving us to plummet -"

"You are the passengers on a most uncommon elevator about to ascend into your very own episode of The Twilight Zone."

"Jemmaaaa," he groaned, clutching he side handles of his seat. "We've survived too much to give it all up now,"

She rolled her eyes, something he could practically feel even in the dark of the ride. "Please, Fitz. If I can survive jumping out of a plane then surely you can -"

"Would you two shut up?!" Came a voice from the back, and Fitz swiveled in his seat to make out a face that looked suspiciously like a Koenig.

But before he could shot back a scorching reply (and oh boy, did he have a good one) the cart of death had given them one last look at the sun before dropping them into the abyss.

What happened after that was mostly a blur, but all he knew was that Jemma now had a new souvenir key ring with his screaming face.

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