Chapter 14

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~Beckas POV
I woke up the the sound of people yelling and banging on doors.

I quickly got out of bed grabbing my phone and hiding it in my pocket. I opened my door to see women grabbing kids and rushing down into the shelters .

As the guys were running outside I spotted Alpha John glaring at me. I quickly ran outside to see wolves fighting and growling at eachother.

I looked around the crowd seeing alot of Garets back fighting in the crowd.

I quickly look around trying to find Levi or Garets wolf when I spot Saige getting held down by a wolf.

I quickly shifted and ran towards her tackling the wolf after her snapping its head.

I turn around to make sure Saige was ok to see her shift back to her human self. " Becka !!! Come on lets find Levi and Garet!"

She grabbed my hands and dragged us through all the fighting until I saw Levis wolf fighing another. And Garet was fighting.... Tyler.

I watched as Garet and Levi fighted with all there energy. Not one of them giving up.

When Levi finished killing the one he was fighting he shifted ànd quickly ran towards me and Saige.

"You guys need to run back to the pack your not safe here!" Levi rushed out.

Saige shook her head " No. Im not leaving here without you"

"Saige please go back to the pack" Levi gave her a sad look.

I watched as tears fell down Saiges face, " P.... Please let me stay Levi."

Levi walked up to her " I cant let you stay. You have to go back to the pack. Ill be ok. I love you."

Saige hugged him, " I love you "

Levi gave Saige one last glance before shifting and joining back into the fight.

I walked up to Saige and gently grabbed her hand, " Lets go Saige he will be ok"

We both shifted into our wolves and started running towards our pack territory. Saige was running slower than she normally does. Leaving Levi is really getting to her.

When we finally got to the pack house we shifted and ran into the shelter where everyone was waiting.

As we were walking into the shelter I could see mothers talking. Children running around.

I watched as Saige walked over to one of the empty beds and layed down facing the wall.

I walked over to her and sat in an empty spot.

I put my hand on her back "Saige he will be ok. He will come home safe you dont have to worry. Hes strong"

She turned around and looked at me with watery eyes " pregnant Becka"

I looked at her shocked and gave her a hug " It will be ok. Ill be right back"

I walked out of the shelter room and ran out side and into the woods.

As I got closer and closer to the fighting I got worried for some reason.

I ran quicker until I could see wolves everywhere. I looked aound to see Levi being pinned down by a wolf.

I quickly shifted and ran tackling the wolf down snapping its head. I quickly shift back running over to Levi.

"Levi go back to the pack! Please!" I rushed out.

He looked at me like I was crazy " No! Im gonna stay and fight"

I pulled him behind a tree " Levi you have to go back. I cant have you out there fighting while Saige is worrying. What if you dont make it through the fight."

He looked at me " Ill go back.... but you cant stay here and fight. I cant lose my sister."

I hugged him" Thank you. Now go back to the pack Saige is in the shelter ill be there soon."

He ran off towards the pack house. I ran into Tylers pack house and into the shelter. Everyones heads turned to look at me.

"What are you doing here!" I heard someone yell.

" Look I know you guys think im only an omega but im not. I am just like you guys we are all the same. What if you guys were treated badly, Everyone hated you , bullied you , hit you , kicked you . And then you get rejected. You guys would be hurt and you cant say you wouldnt be because when you get rejected it hurts like hell. So I hope you guys think about what I said. "

I gave them one last look before running out of the shelter. I ran out of the pack house to see Tyler surrending.

Garet shifted and called of the rest of the pack as did Tyler.

Rejected And Now BadassWhere stories live. Discover now