Chapter 20

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~Beckas POV~
The date shortly ended after the whole cake mess. I sat on a rock watching as Garet picked up our picnic stuff.

I watched as he neatly folded the picnic blanket and packed the left over food on top.

When he was done with that I walked around the area blowing out all of the lit candles sending us into darkness.

I walked over to Garet smiling before grabbing his hand.

We walked through the force just talking and laughing at random things till we got to the pack house.

We noticed that all the lights were off so We had to be really quiet going into the pack house.

Garet silently unlocked the front door and slowly pushed it open trying not to make a noise.

I walked into the house slowly making sure I didnt make a sound.

We made it up stairs without anyone hearing us until Garet tripped over the rug and fell with a thud.

I saw lights turn on and Levis door opens. We both looked up and Levi was giving us an evil glare.


Garet gets up from the floor " Well we are not always loud when you are sleeping and I tripped on the carpet....."

Levi looked at Garet and burst out laughing" Haha you tripped!!!!"

I smiled at how levi was laughing but I dont think Garet liked it so much.

He glared at levi before grabbing my hand and pulling me to my room.

We finally got to my room and I turned around to face Garet smiling.

"Thanks for tonight I had fun" , I said with a big smile.

He grins " Im glad you had fun now get some rest"

He kissed me softly before walking to his room. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I closed my door.

I walked over to my vanity and started to wipe off all my makeup. By the time I was done I was really shocked.

I thought Saige said she went light on my makeup!!?? But no she didnt.

I went through 3 makeup wipes front and back and my face still feels icky.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I dont get what Garet sees in me... all I see is a broken beat up girl.

I sighed and grabbed my towel and a pair of pajamas before hopping into the shower.

I washed my hair and body really good because it was still sticky from the cake fight we had.

When I was done with my shower I quickly got out and put on my pajamas and threw my hair up into a messy bun not wanting to dry it.

I walked over to my bed and checked the time I started to panick realizing that it was already 1 am. How long have I been in the shower???

I quickly put my phone back on my night stand and got into bed.

I thought about everything that has happened ever since I got here.

Im really glad I found Levi and Garet now I don't now what I would do without them.

I closed my eyes smiling about all the memories that came up as I felt myself go into a deep sleep.


I watched as rouges were fighting the pack there was blood everywhere.

I watched as wolves fell to the ground , as the grass turned dead and the sky turned red.

I looked around the field when I got a very bad feeling.

My eyes came to the middle of the field and I spotted Garet getting bit on the shoulder by a rouge.

I could tell he was struggling with the rouge and was losing energy.

I quickly ran as fast as I can but everything felt like it was in slow motion.

I watched as the rouge bit into Garet one last time. I made eye contact with Garets eyes.

He gave me a sad smile "I love you" he mind linked me.

I fell to the floor as I watched Garets body fall lifeless to the ground.

I watched how all the fighting stopped and the rouges ran off. I felt my body get up and run the rest of the way to Garets body.

"No no no no no please Garet wake up! Please I don't wanna lose you. I..I love you...."

*Dream Ends*

I quickly shot out of bed as tears flowed out of my eyes.

Levi and Garet both burst through the door. Garet instantly ran over to me noticing that I was crying " Hey, its ok " .

I layed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso holding on tight "Please don't ever leave me"

He kissed the top of my head sofly. " I will never leave you Becka I promise, now get some rest"

I slowly moved my head out of his chest and layed my head down on my pillow.

Garet went to get up but I stopped him. " Can you please stay with me...."

He smiled, " Of course"

He layed down on the bed and turned so he was facing me. I slide over to him cuddling up into his sides.

I could feel his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer "Goodnight Becka I love you" He whispered as I drifted off to sleep.

AHH IM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I FEEL SOOO BAD!! I tried making a long chapter but I dont think it was that long to me I also dont feel that confident in this book anymore. So im running out of ideas so if you have some please please please message me and I will try my best to make it happen.

Thank you guys for sticking with me and reading this book I love you guys alot ❤

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