Chapter 25

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~Beckas POV~

We ran upstairs into my room before the guys could even see us slamming the door shut.

We gently set our dresses down on the bed making sure they dont get wrinkled.

"You can go in the shower first ill do my makeup", I tell Saige

"Ok thanks" She said before heading into the shower.

I walked over to my vanity pulling out all my makeup and started to create kind of a neutral look adding in a pink shade of lipstick.

I put in a simple pair of diamond shaped earings. And grabbed my light pink hand bag setting it on the bed.

I hear the shower go off in the bathroom. Saige walked into the bedroom while I walked into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower making sure not to ruin my makeup. Before hoping out of the shower wrapping a towel around me.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Saige sitting at my vanity still putting on her makeup.

I switched my towel to a robe so I Could do my hair. I grabbed out my blow dryer and started to dry my hair while brushing it so it wasn't tangled.

When it was dry I quickly curled it before walking over to Saige. I pulled out my straightner and started to straighten her hair. It wasn't that hard since her hair was just wavy.

When we were both done with our makeup and hair we slipped on our dresses and shoes before grabbing our handbags and walking out of the bedroom.

I looked over at Saige to see her smiling like crazy, "WE GET TO GO TO PROM!!!!!"

I smiled like crazy I wish I could start going back to school just to meet more friends but I don't want to do the homework and all that boring stuff.

We gave eachother a smile again before we started walking down the stairs into the living room.

We saw Garet and levi standing there both holding a small thing of flowers smiling at us.

I took a closer look at them and noticed they were both wearing around the same thing.

As Saige walked over to Levi I walked over to Garet who was smiling like crazy. " You look beautiful" , He says pulling me closer to him giving me a small kiss on my head.

We had one of the pack ladies take some pictures of us before we headed out to the car.

I sat in the passenger seat as Garet drove. While Saige and Levi sat in the back.

Garet started the car and started driving towards the highschool.

I looked behind me to see Saige and Levi grinning and making quiet jokes to eachother .

I swear they are the cutest couple i have seen. I feel like they dont have any worrys.

We finally got to the highschool and the guys got out opening the doors for Saige and I.

I smiled up at Garet before we both linked our arms up together and started walking towards the highschool doors.

I seriously cant believe this is happening. I get to go to prom with my bf , brother , and best friend.

We walked through the doors instantly seeing a bunch of young and old highschools walking around laughing and talking.

We walked up to the ticket booth and asked for 2 tickets. It took awhile tho cause Garet and I kept arguing on who was gonna pay. He won -_-

But only cause the other people behind us were being grumpy old people and started yelling at us.

Aka Saige and Levi.

We walked into the gym where they were hosting the prom watching people dance and just enjoy there time.

A slow song comes on and Garet spins me around and looks at me, " May I have this dance my lady???"

"Ha nope my feet hurt" , I said trying to keep a serious face it was working cause Garets face turned into a frown.

"Lol im kidding you big butt ofcourse ill dance with you",I said which caused him to smile and grab my hand.

He dragged me over to the dance floor where everyone was dancing and wrapped his arms around me.

I rested my head on his shoulder with my arms wrapped around his neck. I noticed that Saige and Levi were only a few feet away from us also dancing.

The slow song slowly ended and I lifted my head off Garets shoulder looking up at him and smiling.

"I love you" , I whispered up at him

"And I love you" , He said looking down at me.

All of a sudden the lights completely shut off and everyone starts screaming.

My grip on Garet loosens and then I have no grip at all. I screamed calling out Garets name.

I could hear him calling back just its to dark to see where he is.

I felt a hand wrap around my mouth then one grab my arm. I tryed screaming and fighting back but they were to strong.

I could tell we were out of the gym by now seeing that it wasnt as dark so I was able to see a little bit.

I could feel tears running down my face as I was being dragged to who knows where.

I felt myself drop from the persons hold onto the hard cold cement. But only to be punched knocking me out instantly.

The last thing I could even think was that I hope Garet will realise im not in there and come and save me from Tyler.

I know Tyler is the one who took me cause like I didnt do anything to piss anyone else off. Well I hope.

Im sorry guys My parents made me get a job cause I guess I was "to lazy" but I havnt had time to update so I made this chapter real quick and I hope you enjoy it and continue reading my story

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