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Lauren 😍: babe, did I leave my hoodie there?

Y/N: .... Maybe

Lauren 😍: you're wearing it aren't you?

Y/N: .... possibly

Lauren 😍: 🙄

Y/N: awww the emoji's back

Lauren 😍: you're so annoying 😂

Y/N: thanks 😬

Lauren 😍: send me a pic of you in it please

Y/N: I'm not wearing pants

Lauren 😍: when are you ever wearing pants

Y/N: good point

Y/N: *sends full mirror pic*

Lauren 😍: you look so cute and so hot at the same time oh my god 😩

Lauren 😍: those legs brb, gotta go wash my books

Y/N: cochina

Y/N: but thanks baby 😘

Lauren 😍: keep it, and wear it on our date

Y/N: I wasn't planning on giving it back anyways 😛

Lauren 😍: of course you weren't 🙄😂

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