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Mine 🙊💘: you know what you should be for Halloween?

Y/N: your boo? I already am

Mine 🙊💘: obviously you are

Mine 🙊💘: but no

Mine 🙊💘: Harley

Y/N: first of all, Camila's gonna be Harley

Y/N: second of all, you just wanna see me in booty shorts

Mine 🙊💘: lol u right

Y/N: so annoying omg

Y/N: I'm gonna be a burrito that lays in bed all day

Mine 🙊💘: can I be the rice that's inside you? 😏

Y/N: lol last time I checked, your dick wasn't as big as a grain of rice? 🤔

Mine 🙊💘: wait what

Y/N: "long dick Jauregui"

Mine 🙊💘: WHAT

Y/N: you really shouldn't have your phone and call me when your drunk 😂

Mine 🙊💘: oh my god

Mine 🙊💘: that was two weeks ago

Mine 🙊💘: why didn't you tell me you knew?

Y/N: because I wanted you to tell me when you were sober, but that didn't look like it was happening anytime soon

Mine 🙊💘: fuck

Mine 🙊💘: fuck I'm so sorry

Y/N: baby it's okay, I don't care

Y/N: I fell for you, not what's between your legs

Y/N: although I'd like to fall between your legs 😏

Mine 🙊💘: well damn, let me come over baby girl

Y/N: you can, but I'm not falling between them just yet

Mine 🙊💘: I knew you were joking, idc I'll wait for that. I just want to kiss and hug you so bad right now

Y/N: okay baby


Double updating this bc I won't be updating tomorrow.

Kik will be double updated on Tuesday, one today, two on Tuesday to make up for the off day. 😬

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