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I quickly changed into some jeans and a different t-shirt and put my shoes on as I waited for Mani and the girls. I walked out of my room and sat on my couch, and once I looked at the coffee table, my eyes started to water. I've been so busy with studying and worrying about the future that I never threw out the tests.

I got up and threw them in the trash and washed my hands. I took a deep breath and leaned against the counter. Memories of that night flooding my head again. I just still can't believe she doesn't want to be in her kids life.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ping. I wipe my eyes and grab it to see a text from Mani

Normani 💃🏽: we're here 😊

Y/N: omw

I grab my keys and lock the door before closing it and heading to the elevator and pressing the lobby. I get out of the elevator once I've hit my floor and walk out the building to find Mani's car waiting in the front.

"How's my god baby doing?!" Dinah shouts as she rolls down her window.

"Jesus Christ Dinah could you keep it down?!" I say as I walk towards the car and get in the back seat, joining Ally and Camila.

"I don't want the whole building to know I'm pregnant." I finish off once I've closed the door.

"Sorry." She says giggling.

"But seriously, how is my god baby?"

"They're the size of a peanut right now, I guess they're fine."

"Not causing you any trouble?"

"Not yet."

"Good, you know we're all here for you if you need help. Just because Lauren's a bitch and doesn't wanna take care of her child, doesn't mean we're not gonna help." She tells me and I can't help but smile.

"Thank you, it really means a lot."

"You know she had the audacity to call me the day after she told me you were pregnant asking if we could hang out after I went off on her?" Normani said from the drivers seat.

"She did the same with me!" Ally said from her spot next to me.

"I think she's going through a mid-life crisis." Camila mumbled and I snorted.

"What do you want?" She asked looking up at me.


"Do you want a girl or a boy?" She clarified.

"Oh! I honestly don't care, as long as they're healthy." I replied and she nodded.

"That's gonna be the cutest kid ever." Ally said and I smiled.

"They gonna have hella mommies, so don't worry about Voldemort." Dinah said and we all started laughing.

"Chill. She has a nose."

"Oh I know, but I hate Voldemort, I hate her, and they both bout pale as fuuuh." She says and I shake my head while laughing.

"We here bitches!" Mani says pulling up in front of Buffalo Wild Wings and parking in the closet spot. We all got out and walked in.

"How many?" The hostess asked.

"Five." Mani said and the girl nodded.

"Follow me." She replied and we followed to a table in the back that fit all of us.

"Your server will be with you shortly." She told us and we thanked her.

"So Y/N, how's studying for finals?" Ally asked me.

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