Chapter Twenty One

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At first, when I was reading the comments and everyone was screaming Fluffy, I was confused. But then I was like, oh. Cerberus. I'm sorry to disappoint, but congratulations to Demi_Witch_Hunter for being the only one to get it right.

Percy's POV

I slowly looked up and came face to face to face to face to face to face to face with a hydra. Six heads that could spit fire and acid, one Percy, and one Annabeth. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, I don't know... death?

"Lernaean Hydra," Annabeth muttered, "Hercules killed it. It has nine heads at birth, obviously missing three of them, that can each spew poison and flames. Not to mention rows of razor sharp teeth and a tough hide." I nodded, "See? Why do I need a book when I have you, Wise Girl?" I didn't take my eyes off the hideously menacing creature in front of me. It hissed, and I felt the already warm breath of the Hydra get unbearably hot. I rolled out of the way just as the fire incinerated the area where I had just been, creating some more molten floor. Annabeth leaped onto it's back, plunging her dagger into the Hydra's neck. It fell to the floor, spasming for a split second before exploding into monster dust. I shot a bolt of fire at the stump that was left just before the next pair of heads could form. I shook my head, groaning, "One down, five to go. Where's Clarisse and her cannon when you need them?"

The Hydra, no longer distracted by Annabeth, spit acid at me, splashing over my leg before I could stop it. I cried out in pain, only to scream as it's foot smacked me into a pillar a couple of feet away. I could tell that Annabeth desperately wanted to run to my aid, but she couldn't as the Hydra had labeled me dead and had its attention centered around the daughter of Athena. I tried to stand, but I felt a broken rib and my leg was steaming. My vision was going red around the edges and I was very sure that I was hallucinating when I heard a voice yell, "LOOK WHO NEEDS A SUPER SIZED MCSCHIZZLE!!!" My senses were slowly dulling, but I was pretty sure I saw Leo's face and smelled cinnamon right before I blacked out.

Annabeth's POV

I saw Percy go down and I almost froze in fear. Seaweed Brain was on the floor with a poisoned leg and possibly a broken bone. As much as I wanted to go and check on him, I was thoroughly occupied by the Hydra. I don't know how one got into the school. Luna had told me that there was a barrier around the school much like the one at Camp Half Blood. But it was real, and it had hurt Percy. I needed to take care of it as fast as I possibly could so that Percy wouldn't lose his leg, but how could I, when I had no source of fire? There were no torches along the side of the corridor and I don't believe that Percy has the strength to shoot fireballs in his deteriorating state. I reached into my pocket to pull out my wand, but realized I had left it in the Common Room. What a rookie move, Chase. Wizards bring that thing everywhere, and for good reason. It was the source of their power and defense. All I could do was continue to fend it off and hope a wizard wandered in. Imagine my surprise when the supposedly dead Leo Valdez and a girl charged into the room. Leo, being Leo, screamed, "LOOK WHO NEEDS A SUPER SIZED MCSCHIZZLE!!!" while the girl with almond eyes and caramel hair ran over to Percy. Suddenly, I recognized her. Calypso, from the lost island of Ogygia, the daughter of Atlas who had been with Percy those weeks following the explosion of Mount Saint Helens. Of course, I couldn't forget that she had cursed me with a feeling of abandonment. But that could get put behind us if she saved Percy from death. Leo was hovering over Percy as Calypso used herbs on Percy's leg and started singing. I was snapped back to my current situation when the Hydra's dagger sharp claw tore a gash into my shoulder. I gasped, not expecting the white-hot pain and yelled, "Valdez! I could use some fire over here." Leo scurried over and grinned like the Cheshire Cat, "Cut head, burn stump. Don't get killed. Got it." I nodded, slicing off a head and sliding out of the way so Leo could burn it. Within minutes, it was reduced to nothing more than monster dust on the floor. I ran to Percy's side as he started to come to. His breath had steadied and his leg bandaged. I traced the scars on his arm from his time in the Death Eater HQ. It was always Seaweed Brain. Always Percy Jackson that had to take on the toughest monsters and trek through the darkest corners of existence. Always Percy Jackson that got hurt, either physically or emotionally.

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