Extra Scene: James Potter and the Lover Boys of Olympus

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Because I definitely owe James some Albus x Hunter fluff

And I needed to use all the fluff scenes I write but never release somehow

Is it even still a one shot if it's technically just an entire fanfiction I stuck into one chapter

"Did you hear?"

"Yeah, you too?"

"Wait, can anyone actually confirm it?"

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Albus Potter went to Camp Half Blood for a week and came back with a hot demigod boyfriend!"

"No way, I heard that, too!"

Okay, so apparently he wasn't being subtle.

Or, actually, maybe he was being subtle but then Rose told Scorpius, who decided to be a best friend and spill the details of his dating life to the entirety of the school in the corridor while he confronted Albus about it.

"AL!" He whined, "How could you not tell me about this? Do you even understand how it feels to be a bro who doesn't get told about your crushes? Haven't you been spending any time with your Uncle Jason at all? Do you want me to end up like him?"

"You can't just diss my boyfriend's dad like that."

"Yes, I can. His best friend exploded and came back with a hot island girl without even telling him he was alive. He told your Aunt Hazel about Aunt Calypso first, after he got back from his first time on Ogygia. I still think that what you did to me was worse, but like, come on."

"I didn't even know I liked him, alright?" Albus pat his friend on the shoulder comfortingly, "Our families stuck us under the mistletoe and he confessed and so I kissed him and I liked it. That's all. Otherwise- Actually, okay, no, I still probably wouldn't have told you. But-"


"I'm sorry, alright? You know now! You're the only person I've told."

"Only because Rose told me first!"

"Still counts!"

"Look," Scorpius sighed, his voice growing exponentially louder with every word, "I know that Hunter is some hot blonde demigod and that's totally your type, plus he can deal with that sarcastic monotone thing you do, and by Merlin did that boy get a glow up since we met him as first years, and I know you have a thing for abs and pretty eyes, but still, you should have told me!"

"Scorpius!" Albus squeaked, completely out of character and blushing to the tips of his ears, "Not so loud!"

"Why not?" Scorpius pouted, "If everyone else already knew and I was your poor best friend who was left out of the loop, it should be fine, shouldn't it be? I mean, your relationship shouldn't be a secret. You should know, you were absolutely the first person to know that I had a crush on Rose, alright? I didn't even tell my Dad. Not that he knows now, because like, he would disown me if he found out I was dating a Weasley, but that's beside the point."

"You are such a spiteful Slytherin."

"Now, now, Al," Scorpius tutted, "Those are not words you should be using to describe a house. It is words like those that made people so prejudiced against Slytherins in the first place. Slytherin is not an evil house. You get into Slytherin for being cunning and ambitious."

"And you just happen to also be spiteful?"

"Exactly. I don't take betrayal well."

So yeah, this was all Scorpius's fault.

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