Extra Scene: Twiwizard Tournament Time

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So... hi.

Tagged again... fun.

On the bright side... chapter!

I was tagged by @solangelo_and_ari. Twice. Yeah, thanks for that.

1. Do I have a crush?
2. Middle name?
3. Height?
4. Shoe size?
5. Eye color?
6. Last time you cried?
Um. Audino
Quick side note, whoever gets that is a blessing on earth
7. Biggest fear?
I have claustrophobia. Yay
8. Last song you listened to?
The NateWantsToBattle cover of Sum 41's In Too Deep
9. Last person you texted?
My mom. Because I'm awesome like that
10. Favorite app?

1. Amount of OCs?
The two other champions in this book plus pretty much my entire Ascendance of Darkness cast for the moment. Does it count if I know I'm going to but haven't used them yet? No? Does it count if I killed them off after three chapters? Yes?
...I'm gonna say 8
2. Best Friend(s)
None on Wattpad, but three in real life
3. Favorite OC?
Okay, no fair, I haven't written her yet.
4. First story you read on Wattpad?
I think it was this Son of Hypnos OC Percy Jackson story.
5. Eye color?
6. Natural hair color?
7. Spoiler for one of your books?
Snape is still alive and teaching the HP/PJO legacies and he likes the Little Mermaid.
I've said too much
8. Favorite Greek God/Goddess?
9. Favorite Mythology?
10. Anything else?
11. Tag everyone you can think of.
... can't think... whoops
Okay no one gets tagged.

Storytime because my life is boring.

June was a relaxing month.

There was less class work, now that school was about to end, Percy hadn't faced an attack since Steven, and besides mourning the deaths of those who were lost in the Battle of Olympus, everything was right with the world.

And then it wasn't.

Dumbledore remembered that they never finished the Triwizard Tournament.


Well, not for Percy or Sophia.

But for everyone else, wonderful.

"What?" Sophia protested, "But it's not even a Triwizard Tournament, anymore!"

"Yeah," Percy added. "There's only two of us. It's more like a Biwizard Tournament. No, that's not right. A pair-wizard? No that's worse. Two-Wizard Tournament."

Percy snapped his fingers. "I got it! A Twiwizard Tournament."

Sophia shook her head at him, continuing to the Headmasters. "Don't you guys even care?"

"Don't you?" Viktor asked her, "Glory for Beauxbatons and yourself? Only one other person standing in your way instead of two."

"One person because the other is dead," Percy reminded him, "And he was your student, too! Have a heart."

"I do have a heart," Viktor huffed, "And I'm sure this is what Raydon would have wanted."

"For his two friends to duke it out for a bag of coins and end up like him?" Sophia said dryly, "No thanks."

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