Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hey, look, it's my background. I haven't been updating, by hey, it's here now.

Good news though, my basketball season is over so my updates should be getting more frequent.

Percy's POV

Riptide was gone. It's been gone for a week. Two weeks since Annabeth left. One week since everything has been going missing. One week since my only defense against monsters disappeared. Wands were alright, but Riptide has kept me alive all of these years just as much as Annabeth has. So now both of them were gone. Might as well kiss my life goodbye.

Physical Combat has gotten easier to teach, save the archery portion. I usually just get Luna to do it. She was no Thalia, but she was better than me, even with the blessing I got.

Blessing? What blessing? You mean the one I got from the twin archers that doesn't work on me at all? Oh, yeah, that blessing. If anything it made me worse. There was an arrow that bounced off of the walls and impaled a student. Technically that wasn't even possible, but it must have been because it happened.

I watched Harry duel Luna with a wooden sword. He was getting better, but his technique had a lot to be desired. He had quickly climbed the ranks to the top of the class, save Luna. His brow was shining with sweat.


"Watch out on your left!" I yelled to him.









Harry had landed a single hit, danced around in pride, and got smacked in the chest with the flat of Luna's blade. "You need to stop doing that," I told him, "It's going to cost you your life one day." Harry groaned. "I know," he admitted, rubbing his chest, "But this is so different from a wizard's duel!"

"You still need to remember that both can cost you your life," I said, "Both are relatively the same. Just one's a little wooden stick and the other's a-" I was cut off from a voice at the door. "The other's a hot spanking death machine!" It was Leo. "Dude," I exclaimed, walking up to him, "What are you doing here?" He strode into the room with Calypso in tow, smiling cockily and eyeing the wizards.

"My goddess of a girlfriend wanted to go to Scotland," he said, smiling cheekily, "Hopped on Festus and hightailed it on over here!" I scratched the back of my head. "What're you doing in Hogwarts?" I asked him, confused.

"Dude!" he said, still grinning, "I needed to visit the only bro I had left who didn't want to pummel me!" Now that I really looked at him, I saw the remnants of a black eye and numerous bruises littering his arms. There were sure to be many more along his torso that were hidden by his shirt.

Calypso nudged him, motioning to his toolbelt. "Oh!" Leo exclaimed, "Almost forgot. I got a sweet new weapon for the daughter of Hermes. Also, Connor sends his regards." I snickered. He tossed me a bronze armband. "Didn't know if she wanted a sword or a dagger, so I just made her a sword. I mean, if she doesn't want a sword we could just cut the dang thing in half and voila! Dagger for the lady."
I nodded, smiling drily. "Yes, because every girl's goal in life is to get a magical weapon." Leo slugged me in the arm playfully, "Now you get me, bro." He winked at the people in the class, mostly the girls, who were watching our conversation instead of practicing. "Join Team Leo!" He yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth, before darting out of the room, presumably to go and wreak havoc in Nico's class. Calypso smiled softly at me before running out after her boyfriend

Percy Jackson: Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now