Subject: No flatteryI hate to break it to you; almost all of my "Get Real" blogposts come from personal experience. If they don't come from my own experiences, they come from my friends' experiences. Sorry that you can't be flattered anymore :).
Anyway, it's okay. I can't focus on my work either. I don't really have much to write about for a "Get Real" blogpost, so today's post might be a food recipe or something. Any ideas?
By the way, what exactly do you do? I'm just curious because I want to know what kind of career caused you to feel so opinionated about my job. Don't worry, I'm not being bitter. I was just trying to crack a joke, but it doesn't work very well when you're just writing something. Anyway, I'm just curious.
Well, I guess I should try to get started on my new idea for a blogpost. My manager is going to get so irritated if I don't get this done. Talk later. Actually, I don't know if "talk later" works with an email. Hmmmm. Let me think of something.
I'm thinking... Still thinking...
I've been staring at this computer screen thinking for like ten minutes. Now, I've run out of time to work on my post before my meeting. Darn it. Let me think for just one more minute...
I got it!
Type you later,
EmilyP.S. I signed "E" because that's what I usually do when I end an email to readers. And yes, I know "type you later" is pathetic. I just ran out of time to think.

Inches Apart
Historia CortaThey're neighbors. They despise each other. She thinks he's arrogant, and he thinks she's incompetent. What neither of them know is that there's more to each other than what they think. Emails, messages, inches apart. Cover: CGirlyGirl First Publis...