Tuesday October 25, 2016

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There are two more months left in this year! I cant believe it. Well things that I have accomplished this year , or significant things I have done. . .

Very first important thing- I GOT A BOYFRIENDDD! We'll cal him boo. Its only been two weeks and 3 days though haha but I know we'll last 😊. Hes the sweetest guy ever! my favorite memory was with him in the car with me being a little brat. He opened the door for me and went to his side, me being a little brat decides to play with him. I told him to buckle me up. and he does :) when he leans in he leans for the buckle and tilts his head .... and we kiss. :"))) Ever since then I decided I would say I love you to him at least once every single day. It wouldnt matter what has happened, but I will! Because I do love him, lots. 10.08.16

2nd-ly- I got rid of some I guess emotional abusive friends. Im still working on trying to get them to go away though. I still do talk to some of the people and they're very nice.

Thirdly, HIGH SCHOOL BABBBYYY!!! I've made LOTS of new friends and met LOTS of new people! All amazing and wonderful people! High school is not to stressful. Its just that I dont do my work 😂😂 I swear I could do so much better if I did my work haha. I keep telling myself I will start but I just never do you know?! It's like im the queen of procrastination! haha. My friends keep telling me to study but I never do listen.

Until next time, and hopefully, soon.

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