Friday July 29, 2016

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School is about to start and I'm feeling anxious! It's the first day of high school for me :) I've gotten this far in my life. Life kind of does feel short now that I look at it in a way... I want to make lots of new friends and meet many new people! I'm sure I will!!! Hopefully I won't be too annoying to everyone haha then I won't make any friends. I want to try my hardest in high school for good grades! Especially since I want to become a pediatrician :) there's also a possibility of not getting to go to high school with yura :/ I don't think it's going to upset me as much? Haha

In a few days my aunt and her husband are coming down to visit the family. I hope we get a chance to take a family photo again. We really need a new one. Especially with new additions to the families even though it's just maybe two or three people haha. I can't wait to see them :D my cousins or aunties family is also coming down can't wait to see them as well! It feels like summer is going by wayyy too fast 😥 where did you goooo???!

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