A Little Tag Late

35 8 12

when u get tagged for this and don't do it until a month later when you're procrastinating the 198 things u have to do that week :):):):):)

Anyways, this is the tag thing that people were doing like mid-Sept and I don't want to do my history study guide but my computer is broken so I can't write my WUD entry :( so here y'all are. Apologies for any errors, since I'm on my phone.

Also, I am never going to finish the August challenge but I mean I'm kind of a flaky person soo

I was tagged by SeizeThePi and EverydayAmazonBox (whose username I just had to look up oops). I'm not going to tag anyone else bc everyone has already been tagged ;) and also I've broken more rules already.

Val's Questions:

1) Favorite song of the AG: Ace of Spades QFs song list?

So, I actually had to go look at it and verify that I knew 0 of them besides Guts, and I was right! Also, even if I knew more of them, I'd probably still pick Guts, because it's a banger and honestly it was like the perfect song for Adam and I was so happy with that task and my song.

2) A book/series you'd recommend anyone to read (includes Wattpad and irl).

I have a few!! For one, and especially if you like mysteries that are just kind of fun, the Mousehunter series by Alex Milway! It's a little bit of a little kid series, but I got the first book when I was 9 and I love it! There are twists and turns and I love all three of the books, even now that I'm 15.

Another series/ kind of just genre? that I'd recommend is the Princesses of Westfalin trilogy, by Jessica Day George. If you like fantasy and some well-written romance, this is really good. The 3 books are all based on various folk tales and fairy tales, but they have their own twists and some incredible characters, villian and heroine alike. You can read the first one, Princess of the Midnight Ball, on its own. Princess of the Midnight Ball is based on the tale of the Twelve Dancing Princesses, which is the sort of genre thing I'd recommend to people! I really like a lot of the Twelve Dancing Princesses adaptations I've read, especially the aforementioned one and a singular book called Entwined, by Heather Dixon.

And then a more modern one, but still with some fantasy - although this one doesn't come out until December (I think? Fact check me on this), The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee is another cute romance. It focuses on a sixteen-year-old named Mimosa, whose family, called aromateurs, uses their incredible sense of smell to create love elixirs and help spark the embers of relationships. In a cliche turn of events, she accidentally elixirs the wrong person, and her adventures with the woman's (cute) son lead her to consider breaking the first rule of being an aromateurs: though you help create love, you mustn't fall in love yourself. Somehow I got an Advanced Reader's Copy from the local library exchange shelf and I really liked it! It was really detailed and a lot of the things in it were really cute and incredibly well written. As a writer and enjoyer of boppy teen romance, this was right up my alley.

Sorry they're all romances, but those are really good for everyone, because love is cute.

3) Favorite/lucky number?

I don't really have a favorite number? I like the number 9, because that's the day I was born, but nothing else really comes to mind. 12 is a good number, very round. 36 is even better, tbh. But, um, none?

4) Favorite card suit?

I like Hearts, because they're round and nice and soft, and also the game Hearts is cutthroat.

5) Song(s) you'd want to be played at your funeral.

This is a hard one? Something classical probably, and I like the idea that I just came up with to get that National Anthem in a Minor Key played bc that is bomb.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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