Chapter 1

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Riley smiled brightly at Maya as she climbed through her window. "Good morning peaches, isn't today a wonderful day."

"Yes it is" Maya said with a small smile. Riley gave her a questioning look as Maya didn't usually agree with her, she normally just rolled her eyes and sighed. "Riles, it's a Saturday, which means no stupid school." Maya explained with a wink.

"I heard that!" The girls heard Cory shout from the other room.

"Matthews we both know you love Saturday's just as much as us!" Maya yelled back. Both girls laughed when Riley's dad came sprinting into her bedroom in his pajamas.

"Got that right" He said and ran back out.

"I love it here." Maya stated.

"I know peaches." Riley said, hugging her friend. "So what do you want to do today? We could meet the gang at Topanga's, or go to a movie, or-"

"Riles..." Maya cut her rambling off. "Could we just stay here today? Just hang out, just the two of us?"

"Maya is something wrong?" Riley questioned her friend's unusual behavior. Maya wasn't usually a sit still and do nothing person. And she never gave up an opportunity to hang out with her friends.

"No, no...I just miss Riley and Maya time. Things have just been so crazy recently."

"You're right, and we thought the first two years of high school were hard."

"Junior year is kicking my butt Riles." Maya said sadly. Riley gave her friend another hug. She knew that the future had been weighing on Maya recently. They had their first college fair at school and Maya had been freaked out ever since. Although she refused to talk about it, no matter how much her friends pushed.

"Maya, you know you'll feel better if you talk about it."

"No, it won't Riles." Maya pulled out of her arms and stood up. "I just need to figure things out on my own this time. I don't need fix-it-all Riley." Maya said in a gentle, but firm tone. Riley knew that it was no use arguing with her when she got like this. All it would do was ruin their day, and she had to admit she liked the sound of spending time with her best friend.

"Okay, Riley and Maya time it is. We'll lock the door and the windows and we'll watch our favorite movies all day long. How does that sound?"

"Can we sneak some popcorn in first?" Maya gave her a sly smile

"Uh duh." Riley said already running out the door, Maya laughed and followed right on her heels.


Hours later the two girls lay fast asleep amongst blankets and popcorn. Maya was the first to wake up. She untangled herself from Riley's arms. Somewhere in the depths of the bed a phone dinged. Maya instinctively stiffened, she dug around in the bed for her phone. After rolling over a sound asleep Riley she finally found it. As she read the message her breathing picked up. She shoved her phone in her pocket and furiously rubbed her face as she began to pace. She couldn't afford to lose her cool now, if she did Riley would wake up and she would be forced to explain everything.

"Calm down Maya, calm down." She whispered to herself, her hands balling into fists. After a few moments she had mostly collected herself. She opened her hands to reveal four crescent marks on each palm. She was rubbing her hands together when she heard a light tap on the window. Maya looked up to see Lucas and Farkle smiling at her from outside the window. Taking a deep breath she went over and unlocked it. The two boys climbed their way inside.

"Aww" Lucas' gaze immediately fell on Riley. "Isn't sleepy Riley the cutest thing in the world." He brushed hair out of her face while Farkle pretended to gag.

"Aren't Lucas and Riley the grossest thing in the world." Farkle said, looking to Maya for her response. As soon as his gaze locked with hers his smile faded. "Maya?" He started, he took a step towards her, but was interrupted by Riley waking up.

"Who...Lucas!" She bolted up into a sitting position. "What are you doing here, this is Riley and Maya time."

"Okay, not the reaction I hoped for." Lucas held his hands up in the sign of peace

"Hi baby" Riley said softer. Lucas leaned in for a kiss, and Riley happily obliged.

"Hey." He said, pulling back with a grin.

"Now get out." Riley said with a sweet smile on her face.

"What? Really?" Lucas sputtered, not believing that his girlfriend was really kicking him out.

"Yes really, I promised Maya the whole day for just the two of us." Riley said, her gaze finally falling on Maya. "Hey Peaches, what happened? Are you okay?" Maya brought her hand up to her hair and adjusted it so that it mostly fell over her face. Apparently she hadn't gotten enough control of herself.

"Maya?" Lucas stood up, looking at Maya for the first real time since he entered the room.

"You know what? I just remembered that I promised my mom I'd be home for dinner. Riles you are officially released from your promise. I'll see you all later." Maya said in a rush, and before anyone could react, she was out of the window.

"Maya!" Riley jumped up and started to go after her, but Farkle blocked her path.

"No, let me try." He said, Riley hesitated but eventually nodded and Farkle dashed out the window after their friend.

" He said, Riley hesitated but eventually nodded and Farkle dashed out the window after their friend

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