Chapter 6

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They decided the series faster than they ever had in the past, probably because they let Maya choose and she was usually the one arguing with everyone else's choices. Maya surprised everyone when she choose the Lord of the Rings. Farkle, Riley, Zay, Cory, Shawn, and Auggie, had all been trying to get Maya to watch those movies for the longest time, but she always refused because 'they seemed to weird'. So when she announced that as her choice everyone looked at her in shock.

"We finally give you full control to pick and you choose the one series that you have always vetoed?" Farkle said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I wanted to do something for you guys, to thank you."

"Thank us for what Maya?" Riley asked

"For being here for me always. For sticking by me these past few weeks when I know I've been a rubbish friend. And for helping me get through whatever comes tomorrow." Maya's eyes were shining with hope as she talked, it was such a beautiful sight that Farkle couldn't resist stepping forward and kissing her on the cheek.

"We will always be here for you Maya, and we know that you will always be here for us. That's what makes our group so special." Farkle said with a smile.

"Fellowship, Fellowship, Fellowship!" Auggie started chanting, he was already on the couch and clearly oblivious to what was happening.

"Let me go get my extended editions" Farkle said with a wink

"You're going all the way home now?" Riley sputtered

"Of course not, I put them in Auggie's room, per his request, just in case we ever got a chance to watch them." Farkle explained

"I'll show you where they are!" Auggie jumped off of the couch and grabbing Farkle's hand, pulled him out of the room. Farkle laughed and ran with the boy. Auggie showed him a secret box that he kept his secret stuff in, it was in a secret location that Farkle was forced to swear that he would never disclose.

"Cross my heart, and hope to die." Farkle said seriously.

"Okay, now let's go!" Auggie shouted and ran out of the room. Farkle was greeted by the smell of popcorn when he walked back into the living room. Everyone had situated themselves. Cory and Topanga were cuddled together on the chair, Shawn and Katy were nestled on the floor, and Farkle's four friends were on the couch, Riley was on Lucas' lap.

"Hey! You took me seat!" Auggie accused, pointing at Zay.

"Come on, we can share it." Zay said, pulling Auggie next to him. Farkle put the movie in and then awkwardly turned to the couch. He hesitated, not sure if there was room for him.

"Come on Farkle, we can make room." Lucas assured him. Farkle had barely taken a step when Maya stood up. She gestured towards the spot that she had just vacated.


"No Maya, I won't take your seat. If you don't want to be smushed I'll just sit on the ground."


"No, really, I'm not going to take your seat."


"Oh alright!" Farkle huffed and plopped down, annoyed that he knew it was no use arguing with Maya, but he still always tried. However, all of his annoyance disappeared when Maya plopped herself onto his lap.

"Much better." She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a self satisfied smile

"You could've just told me" Farkle grumbled, although he found it hard to even pretend to be indignant with her smiling up at him like that.

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