A Long Absence

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Hi, guys!

It has been (pardon my French) a long-ass time since I've last been on here. I feel like I owe you an explanation. Ergo -- an explanation.

My life over the past year or so has been in a bit of a turmoil. One big part of that is something I don't want to share just yet. The others are more run-of-the-mill -- an ugly divorce, college applications, and an ungodly amount of AP classes and other commitments. Longs story short -- I've been busy and my future has been uncertain.

But, now that most of those have been cleared up, I'll be free to write in the next couple of months or so (those college applications are still looming on the horizon). This leads me to the next topic of discussion.

I am unsure as to whether I will continue to update my Game of Thrones chatroom fic. I'm planning on writing a BBC Sherlock fanfiction at some point, but after that, I'm planning on shifting gears to completely original content. I have many ideas brewing, and many topics I want to play with -- I just need to get them out onto the page. Fanfiction is an amazing vehicle through which to do that, but I want to create something that feels like it's completely mine -- a story and characters from my brain to yours.

I know (at least I think -- correct me if I'm wrong) that a lot of you are here for the fanfiction (which is most of what I've published anyways). I hope that, if I stop writing fanfiction, you'll still stick around. I'm always looking for objective eyes. Also, the reason I was drawn to Wattpad and writing fanfiction at all is that it creates a strong, supportive community. I hope that even if the writing changes, the community won't.

That's all for now!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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