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At the mall, when Namjoo and Chorong was window-shopping, someone came and place his arm around Chorong waist, kiss her temple and said "Hey beautiful. How are you?"

Chorong was shock and look at the owner of the hand and said "Suho! What are you doing here?"

"Dad allow me to go home early today and I got to know that Hyo Rim slap you. So I call Namjoo and rush here. Are you okay?" Suho said and cupped her face.

Chorong move his hand and look at Namjoo with her angry eyes and look back at Suho and said "Must be Namjoo who tell you?"

Suho just nod his head. Chorong smile and ask "And what did Namjoo say?"

"Hyo Rim call you slut and slap you."

"Did Namjoo tell you why she slap me?"


Chorong let out a soft laugh and look at Namjoo. Namjoo saw it and said "What? I have to lie a bit. If not that girl will make your life as hell."

Chorong laugh and let out her heavy breath. Namjoo smile and then she said "The truth was, Hye Rim unnie was about to slap me. But unnie came infornt of me and try to pull me away but it was too late and the slap land on unnie's face."

Suho look at Namjoo and said "Why didn't you tell me about this? How dare her to hurt both of you."

Chorong smile and said "Well it was Namjoo fault to. She should not call her slut even she call me that."

Suho laugh and said "Good job little sister." and then high five with Namjoo and then he continue "In this case I have to agree with my sister here. She is a slut, baby. Is good that I didn't know about what she was about to do at Namjoo. I might do worst at her when I meet her earlier."

Chorong look at both of them and said "You guys need to stop this." Then she look back at Suho and said "What do you mean by you didn't do any worst at her? Did you meet her at her work place Suho?"

Suho just nod his head confidently and said "Yes I did. She need to know who she is."

Chorong let out her heavy breath and said "God, Suho. Why did you need to do that? That is her work place. At least respect her. Now everyone will talk about her."

"Why do you even care unnie? She deserve it."

Chorong push Suho's hand away from her waist and said facing him "Yes but still that's not how it suppose to be. You still need to respect her work. What will you do if someone come and humiliate you in your own office infornt of someone else? You won't like it, don't you?"

"No I won't. But I was so damn mad that time. She hurt my girl. It good I only know that she slap you and didn't know about she wanted to slap Namjoo. I will do worst to her."

"Forget it. Is no point of talking about this with you? Now go to your home and rest."

"Hey, I'm here to be with you and you telling me to go."

"Yes. Because it's a girls day out so go and let me and your sweet sister her have fun without you bothering us."

"YES! I've told him that but he still want to come." Then she smirk at Suho and said "Now go away oppa. We have so much to do. One of them is talk behind your back. Isn't it unnie?"

Chorong smile and said "Yes, True. Now go." And push Suho away. Suho sigh and said "Okay fine. I'll be going." He kiss Namjoo and Chorong forehead and walk away.

Then Chorong got text for him.


I'm coming to meet you tonight at your house. To claim my kiss on the lips. Namjoo was there so I didn't want her to tease you.

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