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Namjoo ignore it for a while and kneel down. She hug Haneul tightly because Haneul was cry. "Hey don't cry. Your mommy will be fine. Now I need to meet your mommy and the uncle who save your mommy. I need to thank him."

Haneul nod and ask "Sunshine aunty, do you know who he is? You call him oppa."

"Yes I know. I'll tell you later. Why don't you go and wait for me in your room. I'll be there."

Haneul nod and walk in his room. Suho look at Namjoo in curious and ask "What are you doing here oppa?"

"I'm the one who need to ask you that. What are you doing here, Namjoo? How long have you know where Chorong was hiding? And that boy, who is he?"

Namjoo open her mouth and close it back. She really didn't know what to say. Suho was so angry when Namjoo didn't say anything.

"Kim Namjoo, I'm asking you? Answer me damn it." Suho ask firmly. Then he said in his normal tone "Who is that boy? His mine isn't it?"

"I know where she is since she left you. And yes, Haneul is your son. Oppa listen. I can explain. But not here."

"Explain. What do you want to explain Namjoo? For almost 4 bloody years I was suffering. And the best part is I don't even know I have a son. And you just keep it quiet and didn't tell me anything." Suho was so mad.

"I know I'm in a guilt here but you need to listen first why I did this. And oppa please control yourself. Chorong unnie is sick and we have kid here. You'll scared him away. Let's go to the kitchen and I'll explain everything. Please oppa."

Suho was so mad. He rub her face and hair with both of his hands. He look at Chorong and look back at Namjoo. He nod his head and said "You better explain it everything." And walk out the room. Just then Haneul walk out the room with his PJ and walk to Namjoo. Then he ask "Sunshine aunty, what's for dinner?"

"Let's see. I'll make a simple chicken spaghetti. Now sit and I'll serve your spaghetti."

Haneul nod his head and sit on the chair, which was beside Suho. While Suho was just looking at him. His my son. No wonder he look like me. I have a son. Why did Chorong hide this from me? I need to know everything today. God, I have a son. I'm so happy. Suho thought.

Then Haneul said that make Suho wake up from his thought.

"Thank you uncle for carry mommy up."

Suho smile and caress his hair and said "No problem son."

When Haneul was done with his dinner, Namjoo told her to go and watch cartoon and she'll be in the kitchen talking to this uncle. Haneul nod and walk to the living room.

Suho was just looking at Haneul all the time until his gone from his sight.

"Now explain." Suho said.

Namjoo nod and place a hot coffee infornt of Suho and sit in front of him. Then she start to tell him everything.

"Unnie didn't want to leave you but she have too."

"What do you mean by she have too?" Suho ask.

"Just listen oppa. I'll tell you everything." Namjoo said and take a sip from her coffee. Then she continue "On the day after you were move to your room in the hospital, mom and Hyo Rim unnie came and scold unnie saying she is the jinx and make her remember everything about how her family leave her. She believe what mom say and thought that mom was right that you were in the hospital fighting for your life because of her. Her jinx struck you too. Whatever mom say that time convince her that she is a jinx. So she left you. I was out the room and I listen to every word that mom and Hyo Rim say. What make unnie leave you is when mom say that if unnie really love and care for you, she need to leave you. So she did. I try to stop unnie but she just doesn't listen."

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